
2 British Short Hair Blue Cats, sisters.

2 days
British ShorthairAge: 1 year2 female
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British Shorthair kitten 1Female£250
British Shorthair kitten 2Female£250



Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Liverpool
Pets in litter:2 female
Breed:British Shorthair
Age:1 year, 9 months
Ready to Leave:2025-03-17
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Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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I have 2 beautiful British short-haired sisters, (born May 2023) that I need to re-home. As they are still quiet young I feel it's best to find someone who would love these very well-behaved, loving, playful indoor cats. They deserve a forever home. They are both neutered and GCCF Registered They eat well, so far on Royal Canin, British short-hair food. I bought them as kittens at £790 each, and have since paid for them to be neutered. They both have a medi- vet account where they are looked after & checked regularly. My allergies are so bad that I can't take any more types of medication to help me, and now I need an asthma inhaler, so I need to take this seriously. I should have realised this but thought I'd grown out of allergies, seems I've not. They are from a fabulous breeder called @Bounteous cats, where the parents are show cats & have a house full of trophies for their pedigree & GCCF registered. They are fully up to date with boosters & health care, they were spayed at 6 months. They are close as sisters therefore they need to stay together in the same home. They are very friendly and playful. Excellent with their toilet training, have always used their trays, and never had an accident. I have let them sleep on my bed, but they are also ok if they are in the living room with a closed door, although I know they prefer sleeping with me, they are very quiet and relaxed. Girls are GCCF registered and have an impressive Pedigree, their parents are DNA tested and don't have any genetic predispositions I'd like to find them a loving home, I'm not sure how they'd be with other animals, shy would be my guess. They have been totally spoiled and had my full attention since they were kittens. They love attention, they aren't so independent, they like company. I need someone who understands that they are INDOOR CATS not outdoor cats. £500 for them both The new family home is crucial for me to make sure its purfect for them as they will have a long life of up to 18-20 years, they deserve a forever home. If you'd like to see more photos they have their own Instagram page mitzy_molly_british_blue
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