

1 month
Gordon SetterAge: 7 years1 female
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Adv. ID:NT18rt3yf
Advert Type:For adoption
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Frinton-on-Sea
Pets in litter:1 female
Breed:Gordon Setter
Age:7 years, 6 months
Ready to Leave:2024-07-29
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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Nela is a beautiful setter who was given up by her hunter. She’s a gordon setter although she has no tan markings, making her quite unique ad she may have other breeds in her make up like most of our dogs. Nela is the sweetest little girl who has taken to home life and is enjoying all the comforts that it brings. Her toilet training has gone really well and she sleeps through the night with the rest of the dogs downstairs. She gets on really well with the two resident dogs (13 and 9) and adores my older boy, trying to get him to play by chewing his ears. She loves toys and will happily play on her own with them but is still learning what is a toy and what is not, so valuables do need to be kept out of reach. Nela arrived very skinny so we have been feeding her up with a mix of good quality food and lots of treats (the SeBPRA advent treat calendar has helped) and she is starting to put on some much needed weight. She has also been building up some muscle with walks on the beach. It took a while but she has learnt her name and responds to it in the house and garden. Out on walks she does really well on the lead, doesn’t pull too much, and rarely gets to the end of the long line – this will likely change as she gets more confident and builds up her strength. In true setter style, Nela loves a bird (fun when you live near the beach with all the seagulls) but isn’t so obsessed that you can’t distract her. She is currently living with two cats, both of whom are dog savvy, and she has started to get used to them. She no longer barks at them or tries to chase (unless they accidentally come across one another in the garden and the cat runs) and can now be in the same room as them without getting worked up. She happily meets other dogs out on walks and was totally unfazed by two cocker spaniels coming to visit. Nela does really well in the car – she happily jumps in and currently sits clipped in on the backseat – and loves to see what’s going on outside. She doesn’t appear to depend on the resident dogs too much so I think she could cope as an only dog where there’s a human around most of the time to keep her company. However, she does love meeting other dogs on walks and I think she would like a brother or sister to play with. For more information visit
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