
5 year old Annie

9 hours
Mixed BreedAge: 5 years1 female
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Adv. ID:OJfz1eLbh
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Southampton
Pets in litter:1 female
Breed:Mixed Breed
Age:5 years, 3 months
Ready to Leave:2025-03-25

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Microchipped by collection date
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Annie has been advertised multiple times, she has been "rehomed" multiple times over the last 2 years, all for less than 24 hours because she is over excitable about her new environment and people were "not expecting her to be soo lively" despite the advert making it clear or "she didn't get on with their other dog" even though the ad said no other dogs. Therefore to avoid further distress for us all if you feel you are a suitable home for Annie and have read the advert thoroughly, and believe you have what it takes to bring her back to the much calmer, well trained, happy dog she once was, she is not to be returned once you have taken her. Annie has just turned 5 years old. She is an unneutered cross breed. Possibly labrador x border collie. She has been raised within a large family so is used to children of all ages but upon meeting anyone she won't hesitate to jump up for attention and fuss and is very difficult to calm her down so I'd suggest older children that can handle being jumped all over initially and not afraid to be assertive towards animals. She doesn't jump at us on a daily basis as we come and go but new visitors or people she hasn't seen in a while she will jump up at or of people approach her on walks. Personal space isn't a thing Annie gives. She used to enjoy regular walks but when my relationship broke down 3 years ago I was left as a single, working mum to 7 children. Walking her stopped becoming something I had time to do or the strength as she is extremely strong on the lead and worse still as the time between walks became longer. She has barely been walked for 3 years so needs to start all training from scratch. She used to be great on recall and loved to chase a ball and do agility style activities. She is nervous around other dogs so she is not to be homed with another dog until this is resolved, we did have 2 dogs but the other has since been rehomed. She was attacked as a puppy and since doesn't seem to be able to understand other dogs body language. The dog came running up to her and barking before taking her off her feet and attacked her, so it is now a trigger for her so to be aware when walking her that those dogs are the ones to trigger her and cause her to be reactive, as do other dogs in her space. Her recall used to be great, I've not let her off in years as we have too many "my dog is friendly" yet to recall! types around here. She is very fast to learn as long as it's consistent and reminded regularly. She can sit, lay, spin, wait and stay, back and other commands but only when she is in her home environment, she is too wired when out to take on anything. She is a dog that wants to be part of the family. She needs regular walking. Relearning from scratch as she knew it all and was always keen to do. She has always been fine with being left for periods of time. She will steal food off the kitchen side but never out your hand. She isn't fussy and will eat anything. She's more inclined to bury a treat or toy than use it. The photos are awful. I have no better ones. Please only contact if you've read the whole advert. I promise I'm much more friendly than I've come across in the advert I've just had a lot of time wasters. Which hasn't been fair on Annie as she could already be living the much more fulfilling life than she has now. I've also contacted every charity across the south coast and beyond (up to 2 hours drive from my home) over the last 3 years and no one has has space or availability for a dog that needs so much training so I also don't need lots of messages telling me to do so as that means I might not get the chance to read a reply from a genuine home. I don't want anything for Annie, just someone genuine, who has experience, time as she's not an over night fix and 24 hours certainly doesn't give a clear picture to who Annie really is.
Vikki M.
7 hours
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Vikki M.
7 hours
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