

1 week
English Springer SpanielAge: 9 years
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Adv. ID:OxC3Ychy-
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Bristol
Breed:English Springer Spaniel
Age:9 years, 4 months

Health & Docs

KC registered by collectionMicrochipped by collection dateHealth Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeutered
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• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


**Please note this is a stud dog service advert, the dog is not for sale** -- So you’re thinking about mating your bitch? As licensed breeders with over 35 years’ experience and professionals at first time mating’s, we are pleased to offer Tweed, with a great character and calm temperament, standing at stud. Our #1 focus at Countryways Gundogs is breeding for training and temperament - we are on hand to lend advice and ensure the stud you are using compliments your bitch. -- Field Trial Winner Tweed is everything I ever wanted in a dog – apart from being black and white (as I have a thing for black and white!). Obviously, his father FTCH Clearmeadow Flash of Countryways (Milo), is black and white and still the top black and white dog in the world. Tweeds mother was sired by Raven Inquest, the best producing black and white dog in the last 10 years. Producing the Irish championship winner, the British championship winner and also several European championship winners. As you can tell, there is a very strong black and white healthy line in him. Nothing wrong with the liver and white line in him, it has Paul Calighurs twice championship winner Delilah in it. Probably the reason that Tweed is such a dark chocolate brown. Tweed himself, has a lovely stance and presence. He’s an amazing marker, handles like a Labrador, perfect retriever and hits cover hard. He is now a field trial winner and has several second places in open stakes – just missing out on qualifying for the championship. At this stage, I would like to thank my late friend, Mark Maylin for his initial training. Mark and his daughter Ellie had Tweed from me as a puppy and did all of his early training. Tweed carries Marks affix as a note of respect. FULLY HEALTH TESTED: DNA – AMS CLEAR DNA – PFKD CLEAR DNA – cord1 – PRA CLEAR DNA – FUCO CLEAR DNA – CNM CLEAR DNA – RD/OSD1 CLEAR DNA – SD2 CLEAR BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Scheme CLEAR PLA GRADE 0 Tweeds stud fee is £650 and with a four-generation pedigree plus all other relevant information provided. We complete a stud dog contract with you and require cash or bank transfer payment upon first mating. Pick of litter considered for suitable bitches and to be discussed during visit. For more information go to or Countryways Gundogs on Instagram. If you’d like to contact us first, feel free to call and we can advise you what we think and who will match up best for you; temperament, colours, trainability, attitude, to suit the purpose of what you’re breeding your bitch for. I’d like to think we are experts at helping first time breeders as sometimes understanding the process can be difficult. Alongside this, we can provide information regarding breeding and how best to look after your bitch moving forwards. Nothing is any trouble, we are all first-time breeders once. We look forward to hearing from you!
Countryways Gundogs
Licensed Breeder
21 hours
Member since:9 years
Countryways Gundogs
Licence No.:TS/0027/ANBRE
Local Authority:South Gloucestershire
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Countryways Gundogs
Licensed Breeder
21 hours
Member since:9 years
Countryways Gundogs
Licence No.:TS/0027/ANBRE
Local Authority:South Gloucestershire
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