
1 boy available F2 Cavapoo puppies

1 week
CavapooAge: 4 weeks6 male / 3 female
LINSEYANNE S.5.00(2 review)
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Reserved Cavapoo Puppy 7Female£1,200
Reserved Cavapoo Puppy 9
Reserved Cavapoo Puppy 9Female£1,200



Original breeder:
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Hatfield
Pets in litter:6 male / 3 female
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-04-16
Age:4 weeks, 5 days

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedKC registered by collectionVaccinations up to dateHealth Checked by a vetNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
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1 boy available. White with 1 apricot ear and eye. He’s very sweet and loves a cuddle with my children. This is our final litter as dad has now had the snip. Waffle (red) is mum and Darcy (white) is dad. They are both our pets. Both are Cavapoo’s (on both sides the dads were the poodles and the mum the cavalier King Charles spaniels). They were born on 19th Feb 2025. 3 girls 6 boys There’s 2 predominately white boys. The others are mainly apricot colour with small white markings. The puppies are kept in the kitchen (heart of the home) so they are used to all household noises. We have 2 young children so the puppies will be used to being handled. Currently I’m only handling the puppies once a day for weighing. They have all changed so much in just a couple of days. The puppies will have their 1st vaccinates, be health checked and have their worming treatment before they leave us. We’ve had litters before and kept in touch with quite a few of the owners. Some of our previous puppies are support dogs, 2 go into care homes, 3 go into special educational needs schools. Cavapoo’s if you put the time in are easy to train. Our dogs have no health issues and have always had 6 monthly checks at the vets. Mum and dad can be seen with puppies. Cavapoos are low shedding dogs which is why they are popular. They can be taken on long walks but only require 2 x 15 minute walks a day. Our puppies will be fed with James wellbeloved dried food and they will be sent to their new homes with a bag of this food. If you wish to change their food or add new food it’s recommended you do this gradually. The puppies have their first vaccinations booked for 16th April. They can then leave mum. We ask for the puppies to be collected from 17th April as we don’t want to stress the puppies out too much in one day. The **** bank holiday falls this week which is the perfect chance to settle a puppy into your home without worrying about work commitments. If you chose one or our puppies and are local and wish to remain with our vets please let me know and their records can be transferred to you. Any questions please ask. Linsey
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