
Pure mini lops - Beautiful colours & personalities

12 hours
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5 weeks, 6 days
Microchipped by collection date
Vaccinations up to date
Worm and flea treated
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I have 9 beautiful mini lops of varying colours and personalities from two litters. Prices starts at £80. Each bunny has had daily individual and group attention. Picked up regularly, brushed, stroked and given plenty of access inside and out to space for hopping about. They are all happy, friendly, relaxed and inquisitive. I would prefer they go in pairs especially if outside as they do like company. I will be asking about your set up but please don't be afraid to ask questions I want my bunnies to go to the best matched homes. There are too many bunny's being rehomed so it's important to me to get it right. Annabelle & Icecream - 6 babies born 4th February 2025. These will be smaller in size than the average mini lop. I will add sex as and when they are confirmed. £25 deposit required on reservation. Available between 31st March & 6th April. 1. Chocolate & fawn Harlequin - reserved £95 2. Orange £90 3. Chocolate Vienna marked (white nose & top of head) £85 4. Opal Vienna marked (small white on top of head) £90 5. Orange Vienna marked (small white on top of head) £90 6. Lynx £90 Ivy & Winter born 9th February 2025. Available 5th/6th April. £20 to be paid on reservation. Ivy is a first time mum and has done brilliantly. She has had 3 healthy big beautiful babies! 1. Black - £80 2. Black with Vienna marking - £80 (white on head and paws) 3. Black - £80 All bunny's will come with change over food, a birth certificate and any support required. If they are to be outside bunny's I have good quality hutches and runs available so please ask. All my adults are vacinated and it's really important to get the babies done too so please take this in to consideration when thinking about costs. All adults I own and I will take lots of photos/ videos to show you or follow on Facebook - Aydaloutis mini lops
Aydaloutis Mini Lops
38 minute
Member since:4 years
Aydaloutis Mini Lops
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Aydaloutis Mini Lops
38 minute
Member since:4 years
Aydaloutis Mini Lops
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Pet Media Ltd trading as Pets4Homes is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, who administer the insurance. Agria Pet Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.