
BEAUTIFUL PROVEN White Golden Retriever for Stud

1 week
Golden RetrieverAge: 4 years
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Adv. ID:Qf8mwsfhn
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Crowborough
Breed:Golden Retriever
Age:4 years, 1 month

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedKC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetVaccinations up to dateMicrochipped by collection dateNeutered
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Our beautiful family dog Teddy is available for stud. Instagram: Teddygoldenstud Teddy is a proud father to 118 pups from 23 litters and counting! The largest litter produced of 11 pups. (However please note that the litter size is determined by the female). We are also lucky enough to be proud owners to one of his sons! He's got a lovely white coat, long feathered legs and tail and strong build body. He is both showline and working line build. Both his parents are pure breed Golden retrievers. Father was KC registered and Mother was pedigree. We have supporting documents for Health testing on both parents and Teddy, KC papers for father and DNA testing on Mother. We have had private genetic testing done on Teddy with Laboklin. Teddy is not KC registered however we have him registered with The Pedigree Club and have supporting papers to show. All copies will be provided to you. GR-PRA1 - Clear GR-PRA2 - Clear NCL - Clear PRCD-PRA - Clear Muscular Dystrophy - Clear Teddy has a lovely temperment, has been brought up around kids since birth. He has a loving nature, enjoys walks and loves cuddles! All his vaccinations and Vet visits are up to date and is suberb in health. He is regulary treated for flee and worm. Next yearly checkup 19th November 2024. We are happy to do mix breeding of similar sized dogs, so far Teddy has mated with Goldens, German Shepherd and Goldendoodle. £300 stud fee includes two matings 48 hours apart. Payment must be made in cash or bank transfer on the first successful tie. In the event of no tie, no money is taken. We also offer 1 free maiting on the females next season should the first fail. For natural maitings we do not force the dogs on top of one another and instead allow them to play freely and naturally come together. This allows for a stress free enviornment for both dogs. We provide assistance upon tie keeping both dogs calm. If you are interested in Teddy and would like to know more, please message me on my mobile and we can have a chat! Happy to do a video call so you can see Teddy before :) Please note we are not interested in puppy farms. Many thanks for viewing our Ad.
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