
british bulldog

1 month
English BulldogAge: 2 years1 male
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English Bulldog biggie
English Bulldog biggieMale£600



Adv. ID:rYz-pcorF
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Norwich
Pets in litter:1 male
Breed:English Bulldog
Age:2 years, 11 months
Ready to Leave:2025-02-11
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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hello this is biggie he is a chocolate bulldog British bulldog he is gonna be 3 in April, he is a lovely dog great temperament great with kids just he hates my other dog and that's my daughters dog she is autistic and has her little dog as her safety companion, recently he has been lashing out to the little dog and upsetting my daughter its very hard keeping them apart, so I have come to realise I need to rehome biggie as he needs a home where he will be the only pet . I spoke about rehoming our other dog and my daughter was distraught as that's her companion, she takes her everywhere as a comfort so biggie needs a safe new home I've had him since he was a baby, his house trained he is well behaved except near the other dog, its got to the point he has lashed out and hurt the other dog so I now need to separate each of them ! he is up to date with injections microchipped in my name short legged loving boy just hates my daughters dog and she is high need and I can't break her heart so my boy needs a forever home, he is good alone he is good with kids only issue he snores and stinks when blows off ! but if you no bulldogs you will no they stink ! he is needy in the sense loves a cuddle and being talked to like a baby ! will not let go to anyone will need a stable home as don't want him passed about his got a flat face short legs lovely coat very stocky very content, does not mess the home up loves a blanket and a belly rub, adores kids just very stocky and clumsy and needs to be housed with no other animal other wise id be keeping him as so well behaved just hates my daughters dog but she is special needs and that's her comfort so I can't part with her pet I need to part with my fur baby so this will be hard so will need a good home had since 10weeks old
Lisa R.
3 weeks
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Lisa R.
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