
Black labrador stud- FULLY HEALTH TESTED

5 minute
Labrador RetrieverAge: 2 years
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Adv. ID:RzpmVobX2
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Leyburn
Breed:Labrador Retriever
Age:2 years, 11 months

Health & Docs

Vaccinations up to dateHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


Albi available for stud 'Emmanygan Yorkie'; a lovely black labrador dog bringing new blood into our kennels; very biddable, kind natured but driven Albi is apart of our picking up team, doing 100+ days a season starting on grouse to partridge and pheasant, as well as flighting and occasionally on peg. He's a hard hunting dog, covering ground with ease, lovely pace and style to him. Steady to falling game, and great in water. He's a lovely stamp of dog, recently weighing 31.8kg, with a lovely head. He has the kindest of temperaments; not a bad bone in him. Making him suitable for not only producing working/trailing progeny but also lovely companions too. He's also NO relation to our other stud dogs and we feel his pedigree will complement their progeny too Well proven at stud, confident and great with maiden bitches. FULLY HEALTH TESTED; BVA/KC Eye test- CLEAR (May 24) tested annually 5/3 Hips 0 elbows DNA tested CLEAR for PRA-prcd, SD2, CNM, EIC, HNPK, MCD, STGD Albi also carries the yellow gene Full documentation will be given; a receipt and copy of his pedigree and photo of him. Stud fee to be paid on first tie/mating. Including 2 covers and free return if no puppies. We're very experienced stud owners- happy to help and advise where possible. Have a look at our Facebook page & instagram Fosterwold gundogs for more photos/videos
FosterWold Gundogs
Licensed Breeder
22 hours
Member since:11 years
FosterWold Gundogs
Licence No.:23/00250/DOG
Local Authority:North Yorkshire council
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FosterWold Gundogs
Licensed Breeder
22 hours
Member since:11 years
FosterWold Gundogs
Licence No.:23/00250/DOG
Local Authority:North Yorkshire council
Verified by:

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