
Gorgeous British Shorthair Kittens

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British Shorthair Kitten 1Male£1,250
British Shorthair Kitten 3Female£1,250
British Shorthair Kitten 2Female£1,250
British Shorthair Kitten 4Female£1,250



Adv. ID:sRZfgisxu
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:London
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-01-29
Age:14 weeks, 2 days
Pets in litter:3 female / 1 male

Health & Docs

Health Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection dateGCCF Registered
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These kittens have been raised right by my side, sleeping on my bed, nursing with their incredible mum, and growing up surrounded by love and human affection. They’re playful, cuddly, and each has a personality as unique as their adorable faces. Honestly, they look so much alike that even I have a hard time telling them apart in photos. But after spending every moment with them since birth, I’ve got it all figured out—don’t worry, I’ll help you learn who’s who (though you might not be able to tell either! 😅). Mum and Dad: Mum (Luna): Luna is my angel. She’s a purebred, certified British Shorthair, carrying only British Shorthair genes, and at just 3 years old, this is her first litter. She’s incredibly intelligent, sometimes I feel like we’re having actual conversations! Luna is playful, loving, and even considerate enough to carry her toy mouse to the food bowl when she’s hungry. She sleeps beside me every night and is the best mum I could’ve imagined. Dad (Blue):The dad is a gorgeous purebred British Shorthair, known for his intelligence and charm. Unfortunately, his visit to our home was brief (for obvious reasons—Luna and I needed some privacy during his stay!), so I didn’t get a photo. But trust me, his genes shine through in these kittens! Meet the Kittens: 1.Mia (The Boss): Mia was the first to be born, and let me tell you, this girl is the reason the birth started early. I just know it! She’s smart, fearless, and always first in line for anything, whether it’s playtime, cuddles, or running to Luna when called. Mia knows what she wants, and she’s not afraid to go for it. 2.Archie (The Food Lover): Archie came into the world a bit bigger than his siblings, and his love for food has been obvious since day one. This boy is a foodie through and through. He was the first to start eating wet food, has no shame in stealing his mum’s treats, and will glare at you with the funniest expression if you touch his bowl. He’s cheeky, fast, and absolutely loves giving hugs mid-playtime. 3.Minnie (The Fighter): Minnie has my heart. She was born a little smaller and struggled at first to find her way to the milk, but her determination blew me away. Now she’s the liveliest, most playful of the bunch, darting around with toys and jumping on her siblings. Minnie is also the biggest cuddle bug, she melts into a puddle of purrs the second you touch her. She’s the one who sneaks into my bed the most, curling up beside me like a little angel. 4.Mabel (The Charmer): Oh, Mabel. She’s the one who doesn’t need to do anything to win your heart, she’ll just roll onto her back, show you her tiny belly, and you’re done for. She’s clever, sweet, and incredibly respectful of her siblings (and even of her mum!). Mabel was the first to master litter training and is always inventing new games to keep herself entertained. She’s a mini Luna in both personality and charm. 07985332595 If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to leave me a message on WhatsApp. I’ll be happy to answer and help you meet your perfect furry companion!
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