
Red Miniature Poodle Stud, KC and health tested

2 weeks
Miniature PoodleAge: 7 years
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Adv. ID:st6J038V-
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Tonbridge
Breed:Miniature Poodle
Age:7 years

Health & Docs

Health Checked by a vetKC registered by collectionMicrochipped by collection dateNeuteredWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to date
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For Stud- not for sale! Based in Tonbridge, Kent Our stunning red miniature poodle Milo is now at stud. Milo has produced stunning puppies. He is a very intelligent and sociable boy who loves cuddles. He lives in our family home with our three children and so is used to children of all ages. He has a lovely nature and is very gentle. Milo has a lovely thick coat of red curls. He has had all the relevant health checks recommended for his breed by the Kennel Club (and more) including DNA and eye testing. He has also been fertility tested. Milo is DNA tested clear for the following: *Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd PRA and rcd4 PRA/LOPRA) *Von Willebrands Disease (vWD-1) *Neonatal Encephalopathy (NE) *Degenerative Myelopathy (EXON 2); and * Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD). He has also recently had his eyes checked by an expert veterinary opthamologist under the BVA eye scheme. Milo is one of the few miniature poodles in the country that has had the correct tests including for the condition Osteochondrodysplasia (a fairly new requirement of the Kennel Club) and the eye test under the BVA scheme. Milo measures around 14’- 15' to the shoulder and is a great height for cocker spaniels, cockapoos, cavaliers etc. He has also successfully sired litters with larger breeds such as labradors, labradoodles, golden doodles and Irish setters. £350 stud fee. This covers up to two matings and is payable on the day of the first mating once the mating has taken place. Should your female not fall pregnant, then two matings in her next or subsequent season will be offered free of charge- this does not happen very often! We are very flexible and can often accommodate matings at short notice. You will be provided with a copy of all of his health test certificates to show your puppy buyers. All matings will be carried out in our garden where your girl will be given the time she needs to run around and play with Milo and feel comfortable. I am an ethical stud owner and want to ensure that the mating is natural and relaxed aswell as supervised and safe. I can provide references if you would like as many owners have messaged me with lovely comments on their positive and relaxed experience. Please feel free to call or message and I can talk you through everything. Owners are responsible for making sure that their girl is not too closely related to Milo. I am happy to help you with this if you would like.
Kate J.
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Kate J.
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