
Looking for adopter for two bonded REAL rescues

17 hours
Mixed BreedAge: 2 years2 male
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Adv. ID:TzZVCz0X1
Advert Type:For adoption

Litter details

Adv. Location:London
Pets in litter:2 male
Breed:Mixed Breed
Age:2 years, 11 months
Ready to Leave:2025-02-23
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


We found Gray with a broken back leg. Vet amputated it! Gray is now a very healthy Happy, calm lovable soft fur boy. CODE is a perfect healthy full of joy of life boy as well. CODE like to talk . Code can open doors ! Code is Alpha boy, agile, clever, and Gray needs him ! Gray is a softie... They are best friends and we Need to re home them together . So far they are indoors cats but Code would like to enjoy more than indoor life . So outside green space will be welcome . Both are - Neutered - Fully vaccinated - Microchipped - Full records of the above. Located in Reading at the moment. Adoption fee is per cat. Pls note I went for another cat to Med-vet Kensington. They charge £148 for full vaccination. They charge me 50 pounds for de worming !!!! Makes our adoption fee very reasonable....
Nine Lives rescue
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Pet Media Ltd trading as Pets4Homes is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, who administer the insurance. Agria Pet Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.