
Rescue kitten (4 mths) in need of a safe new home

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Mixed Breed Kitten 1Female£200



Adv. ID:uEFBcPfko
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Hook
Pets in litter:1 female
Age:7 months, 26 days
Ready to Leave:2025-03-31
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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— I am NOT a breeder! I foster rescued cats and kittens, help them get back on their feet and find them new homes when they’re ready. (Rescues are full and waiting lists are long, so I take the poppets with nowhere else to go - sadly there are many of them). — Coco is nearly 4 months old….not nearly 8 months but I can’t change her age on the advent annoyingly. Hi I’m Rebecca. I foster cats independently with a couple of other ladies and we use own finances, adoption fees and kind donations to provide the necessary food, litter, toys, vets bills for spaying, neutering, MoTs and medication etc. I believe that every cat deserves to be loved and to feel safe. And while I can’t help them all, I do as much as I can. Little Coco joined us last week, having coming from a family that were unable to provide her with the essentials she needed to thrive. Their intentions were good and she’s been very loved. So much so that she was happy to leave her safe room and start cohabiting with our other residents that night and was happy to be stroked and picked up straight away. I don’t have a lot of information about her background but I know she was given as a gift to the family that surrendered her to foster care. She was very underweight when she arrived and her fur was straw like - clearly lacking crucial nutrients. This was down to a diet of porridge exclusively.. It took her a day or so but she has now transitioned completely to kitten meat and biscuits and it’s made a real difference. She is now proudly sporting a pot belly. And her fur is felling far healthier. She’s small but clearly a fighter. Other than her weight (which is improving every day) she is healthy and very happy, bouncy, brave and curious. She has been living with a small child and my ten year old makes a big fuss of her so she will be well socialised. She follows me around and shouts at me if I don’t chat to her. She is cohabiting with the other cat residents in the house amicably although is not a fan of my Maine coon male!! As always, I will have Coco spayed before she goes as the world needs no more kittens without a home to go to…. or a family to be loved by. She will also have a full vet MOT and be treated for fleas and worms before she leaves me. I pay for and organise all the above for every cat I foster but unfortunately I simply can’t afford to do vaccinations and microchip as well. So these things will need to be sorted once she has found her forever home. Ideally before she leaves as they are due now. I’m happy to get them done while with me as long as her new family finances it (my vet charges about £120 for the first jab of jabs and the booster and £40 for the chip). I ask for an adoptions fee of £200 for kittens and every penny of that is used as a contribution to my costs of caring for whoever comes next or is currently here. I consider adoption offers very carefully. It’s so important to me that my fosters go to safe, loving and permanent homes so I have certain questions and although I don’t feel the need to do actual home checks, I do ask for a short video that shows where the cat will be going. If the cat has ended up in my care then they probably haven’t had the life they deserve until now and I need to be sure that I have found them a far better future or I’m failing them. Sadly Coco is by far the only pal of mine in need of a proper forever home so if you are interested in rescuing but aren’t sure Coco is the right fit for you please feel free to message me. And if you would like to help me be able to continue my mission - scoop up the lost, abused and abandoned and teach them to trust and love again, get them healthy and happy and neuter or spay them so we can get a grip on the kitten epidemic in this country, then find them the home they deserve…. Message me for details on how you can donate :) x
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