
Specialist 5* Licenced Golden Retriever Breeder

10 hours
Golden RetrieverAge: 3 days2 male / 3 female
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Golden Retriever Puppy 1Male£1,900
Golden Retriever Puppy 2Male£1,900
Golden Retriever Puppy 3Female£1,900
Golden Retriever Puppy 4Female£1,900
Golden Retriever Puppy 5Female£1,900



Adv. ID:ULwZWHt1v
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Brampton
Pets in litter:2 male / 3 female
Breed:Golden Retriever
Age:3 days
Ready to Leave:2025-05-15
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood

Description, Brampton, near Carlisle, Cumbria hold the highest rated 5* Breeders Licence and are specialist breeders of Golden Retrievers. All our pups complete a Puppy Socialisation Plan; are desensitised to ‘scary sounds’ such as fireworks by playing specially recorded CD’s; have a microchip; 1st vaccination with Nobivac Lepto 4; full Puppy Vet Check during week 6; some Eukanuba puppy food to get started with. We take the greatest care to offer well brought up puppies to new families. We are also vet and environmental health inspected to ensure the highest standards of breeding are maintained. The popularity of our pups has resulted in them going to homes in Spain; France; Belgium; The Netherlands; Channel Islands and as far away as Hong Kong, America and Dubai. All our adult dogs reside within the house. The pups start their lives in ‘The Puppery’ which is a custom equipped room upstairs in the quiet. Here they are monitored by 2x CCTV cameras, have two forms of heat and de-humidifier/air-conditioner (if required). All bedding is changed 3x per day to ensure a clean, germ-free comfortable bed. All areas are cleaned using Formula H. They then progress downstairs to a secure crate in the lounge and join the eight adult dogs. They then progress to sessions in The Exercise area and The Dog House. We are pleased to be able to offer our latest litter of Golden Retrievers. The Dam is one of our health tested, hip scored, vet checked KC Golden Retrievers and the Sire is an experienced KC stud dog with a very good COI of 0.3% LIGHT SHIFT Hip Dysplasia Test: EBV: -5 LOW RISK Confidence: 73% Norberg angle 1/1 Subluxation 2/3 Cranial Acetabular edge 2/2 Dorsal acetabular 0/0 Cranial effective acetabular rim 0/1 Acetabular fossa 0/0 Caudal acetabular edge 0/0 Femoral head/neck exostosis 0/0 Femoral head recontouring 0/0 7/5 out of 106 Clear medical history. Health tests: Clear of the following: GR–PRA1 (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) N/N CLEAR 8520 GR–PRA2 (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) N/N CLEAR 8075 Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL) N/N CLEAR 8094P prcd – PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) N/N CLEAR N/ICH Carrier 8068 Muscular Dystrophy female: X(N)/X(N) - male: X(N)/Y (Clear) TYNWERN SIANCO Hip Dysplasia Test: HIP SCORE: 4/3=7 ELBOW SCORE: 0/0=0 COI= 3.6% DNA TESTS: GR- PRA1 CLEAR GR PRA2 CLEAR ICT-A CLEAR MD – CLEAR NCL – CLEAR PRCD – PRA CLEAR Clear medical history. We are also available to give advice if required. Best contact via WhatsApp. Visitors welcome by appointment. Deposit £500 Follysyke Puppies & Golden Retrievers KC GOLDEN RETRIEVER 5* LICENSED SPECIALIST BREEDER
Follysyke Puppies
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Follysyke Puppies
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Follysyke Puppies
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Follysyke Puppies
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