
Noxterra Bred Black Female Puppy

1 month
BoerboelAge: 6 months1 female
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Black female Female£2,750



Adv. ID:w4Ti4K40a
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Wickford
Pets in litter:1 female
Age:6 months, 14 days
Ready to Leave:2024-12-19
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


This is your chance to get a top quality female Boerboel puppy from one of the most well known Boerboel breeding kennels in the World Here at Noxterra we have over 300 clients in over 25 countries, from the last 10+ years of breeding Boerboels. We have been breeding large breed guardian breeds since 2006. All pups will leave with a puppy pack, with all information needed, puppy food, feed cup. poos bags and some essentials. Clients will be guided on exercise, feeding, supplementation, training, socialisation and products that are useful. Vaccinations, worming and registrations all up to date. Please check out the puppy applications page on our website for more details of how we operate. CURRENTLY WE HAVE 1 x Black female £3500 This female was sold to a international client at 9 weeks old, that cancelled when the flight costs were too high for their budget. We expect this female to develop into a taller, heavier set and well muscled female with a strong square head. similar to her mother Presley just more muscular, with a wider chest and squarer, stronger head, exactly what we were aiming for. she has an alert temperament, very gentle and loving. She been great around our young children. She will be registered with NABBR. Please see photos and videos on advert for a better idea of her and her parents Parents are (See Photos) Father (Sire) Noxterras Secret Male aka Shadow (94.3%% NABBR) The highest appraised breeding male in the UK Fully Health Tested, 85kg, 66cm tall. Shadow is a living legend, having produced litters in multiple countries around the world and considered by some as the best black male alive. He has consistently produced world class litter after world class litter, and is the sire of many of the best dogs in the worldwide Noxterra breeding programme. Shadow himself is produced from the 1st ever registered black Boerboel in the UK in 2016 Noxterra Luna (85%) Mother (Dam) Noxterra Presley (91.9% NABBR) 70kg, 66cm tall. Presley is a taller, very correct female, exceptional mother, great family pet temperament, extremely well bred and was our highest appraisal scoring female here in our breeding programme, until she was retired. Presley is a real sweetheart, very loving and loyal to her family, especially our children. She suspicious of strangers initially, but quickly comes around when asked. Presley has produced some world class dogs in her previous litters and we expect this litter to be her best. Presley is herself bred out of Noxterra Lukas the Wise (90.5%) and Caberet Presilla (85%) Please see our website for more details We expect a lot from this litter. Two of our most impressive dogs are the parents, and they themselves are bred from some of our own (and the breeds) best dogs ever. Please see our website for more detailed information on the Parents and Grandparents These pups have been raised around their mother, other dogs, our young children and a busy household We implement our own training from 3 weeks of age to aid in both physical and mental development. They will receive the very best of food and supplementation from the start. Please feel free to contact us for more information by whatsapp, email, social media or our own website Full Details can be found on our website you can also see regular “pupdates” on our various Social Media Channels. We do ask that all clients send over an online application via our website as the first step. We will also ask carry out a home check via video call, to any potential homes prior to accepting deposits or reservations. We do this to make sure that the home is suitable and to offer advice on puppy proofing your home if necessary. If you do. It want to carry out a home check please do not apply. Please feel free to give us a call for a chat if you have any questions, we are more than happy to do so. Beware of cheap imitations. It’s not just a Boerboel, it’s a Noxterra Boerboel …. Noxterra Team 🐶
Noxterra Boerboels
17 hours
Member since:9 years
Noxterra Boerboels
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Noxterra Boerboels
17 hours
Member since:9 years
Noxterra Boerboels
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