
Sweet Dacshund 3 years old

1 month
Miniature DachshundAge: 3 years1 female
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Miniature Dachshund Puppy 1Female£700



Adv. ID:Wf-yRY_xE
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Swansea
Pets in litter:1 female
Breed:Miniature Dachshund
Age:3 years, 11 months
Ready to Leave:2025-02-24

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vet
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


Please text - 07943 753497 if your serious so we can move it along - I am looking for her to go to a household that is financially stable as she has had the very best of the best . She is 3 and half We sadly can’t keep her due to work commitments . She has had her jabs and been wormed and fleed. I am looking for her to go to a kind and loving lady owner or couple who is older, already had kids and ready for a little dog to potter around with. She is an extremely sweet and loving dog. Wants nothing more than a warm lap or blanket to daze in. She would love a little garden so she can lay in the summer and potter. She could benefit from a female dachshund companion, but she is happy being the only dog and is a one person dog. She is happy and go lucky , you will fall in love with just how cuddly she is. She is great on walks , only in the summer lol as you won't get her out in the winter as it's just to chilly for her little body. She is good with toilet - does her business outside - but doesn't know the que to ask as she is staying with me and out of her comfort. I can imagine with a permanent home she will learn to ask at her new home: I will need to know where she is going and what type of people you are.
Natapie W.
11 hours
Member since:1 year
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Natapie W.
11 hours
Member since:1 year
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Terms, conditions and excesses apply. For a summary of what is covered you can read the Insurance Product Information Document for the 5 weeks free pet insurance from Agria and for further information please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions booklet. These important documents will also now be sent to you by post / email.

Pet Media Ltd trading as Pets4Homes is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, who administer the insurance. Agria Pet Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.