
Long Hair Fluffy Kittens | Ready To Go!

1 day
Mixed BreedAge: 4 months1 male / 2 female
LILIAN R.5.00(2 review)
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Adv. ID:XpDobh9yK
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Chigwell
Pets in litter:1 male / 2 female
Breed:Mixed Breed
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-02-04
Age:4 months, 14 days

Health & Docs

Health Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
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3 beautiful kittens, Mother is a white Turkish angora (Talisa) and Fathers a white American shorthair (Malokai). Pure white cats are some of the rarest making up one 5% of the total cat population! Heterochromia is when both eyes are different colours. All three kittens have heterochromia: - Complete heterochromia - One iris is a different colour from the other. - Central heterochromia - The colour of the inner ring is different from the colour of the outer ring of the iris (having two different colours in the same iris). - Sectoral heterochromia - One part of the iris is a different colour from the rest (having two different colours in the same iris). Kitten descriptions: 🌑Calypso - female, black/ white, symmetrical coat and adorable bandit mask on his face. The name Calpyso means "she who hides" perfectly fitting for are cute little mask 🌌Cosmo - male, black/white, beautiful symmetrical coat. Calypso has a the most amazing patterns on his head making him look like a cheeky white tiger. Names after the depths of and mysterious layers of galaxies. ☁️Skylar - female, pure white. With a soft silky coat. Skylar named after the a fluffy cloudy sky. (Personalities and eye-colours updating soon) All kittens will come professionally trained in: - Grooming - Nail cutting - Bathing - Handling - Outdoor with and without harness - Recall - Open windows and doors - Litter closed/ covered and outdoor - Being around other animals and cats - Puzzles - Temperament. The kittens will be ready for there new home by 12 weeks in accordance with Lucy's law. I will only rehome at 12 weeks under extenuating circumstances, it is remommended to wait until 26 weeks (6 months) for the mental and physical safeguarding of mother and kitten. I have pre-registered vaccinations at 8 weeks and 12 weeks up to 6 months with sight and hearing tests conducted by trusted family farm vets. Until kittens are six months old, they have to receive frequent vet check-ups and vaccinations, which can be pricey. They need to receive repeated immunizations and check-ups until they are around 4 months old. 🚨Disclosure: Kittens under 6 months should not be left alone for more then 2-3 hours a day. Kittens are more dependant then adult cats and require more attention and supervision. If you can't follow this strictly leave it to me and adopt a kitten at 6 months. In the 10 years I have been training and raising kittens, a total of 17 litters I've seen keeping kittens with both parents and littermates results in a better quality of life for the kitten once rehomed, under the same respect given to puppies under Lucy's law. To rehome a kitten around 6 months rather then 8 weeks is to treat mother and child with dignity. I started as rehabilitation and training service for maladaption in cats, kittens can develop trauma when rehomed very young to a new cat owning family and being the only cat left alone for hours isolating them, it takes time to teach a new life independence. It is now against the law to rehome a kitten under 8 weeks and will hopefully change to 6 months in the coming years. Read more about Lucy's Law on the UK government website. Help us protect these loving and intelligent lives with dignity and respect. If you want to know more about my cats and the kittens message me and I'll be happy to send you pictures and updates. I'll happily give you information about cats and what the behaviours of what both my own cats are like, both unique and hilarious individuals and hopefully thats passed down to the kittens. Your kitten will come with a basic guide of anything you'll need to know about raising kittens into cats (this is available to anyone just send me your email) with a section on the best deals for taking care of your kitten. You can always refer back to the presentation at a later date. The presentation has been created by me. If you have any further questions after you have adopted your kitten my contact details are available at the end of the presentation. You can contact me at any time with any question even if its years from now. If you can no longer care for your cat I will take them back. This option is available indefinitely as I love my cats and I love there kittens equally. If your going away on holiday I can take the kitten for boarding and keep you updated on how they are doing. I will send my calender schedule for the care I give them. I do this for every kitten Talisa has ever had, just so I know there not alone. An adult cats have the mental capacity of a human 2-year-old cats can become traumatised when left alone without there dependant for long periods of time. Cats are social animals it is well advised to have 2 cats so they can keep each other company or allow your cat to roam and explore the outdoors as it is vital for there mental and physical wellbeing in the same regard given to people. I provide them: - A menu of homemade wet food. - Various treats spread across the week. - Harness training and daily outdoor walks. - Recall based on the name you give. - Hours of stimulation and play. - Nails trim every 14 days. - Daily brushing. - Vetrinary check-ups under my insurence if your cat becomes unwell in my care. - Training around kids and other animals. - Iams Indoor dry food. (Disclaimer: There is a small fee for pet sitting and board, discounts are available, boarding care provisions come at no extra charge). I also provide: - Behavioural training courses for maladapted cats (with personalised training plan). - New skills training for older cats (with personalised training plan). - Pet grooming. - Boarding and pet sitting. - Outdoor enrichment for cats living in block apartments. (Behavioural training courses can be booked face-to-face and via video call). Instagram: L.B.Reiver Boarding - Overnight care at the pet sitter's home. Pet-sitting - Short visits occuring at the pet owner's home. Maladaption - Abnormal behaviours associated with stress, anxiety and fear.
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