
DNA Tested Proven Kc GS stud world champion line

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Adv. ID:xvCaTrB6s
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Nantwich
Age:2 years, 7 months

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateKC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vet
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Thorn (Bear Lad) is my straight back medium-short fur German Shepherd, family dog and a proven stud who has recently produced a litter of 12, he has great drive / temperament and he comes from a prestigious bloodline containing a number of Czech police dogs, championship and World championship titles. Thorn is trained to a high standard is great with animals and turns heads everywhere he goes! Thorn is Kc registered with no endorsements however he does not travel well and would require the female be brought to him. £250 for 2 matings and additional matings available at £50 per mating Ai available clinic charges £50 fee per Ai Payment required upon first tie, in the event of a slip tie half must be paid but the slip would not be counted as 1 of the matings. We are very flexible with time and dates meaning theres no rush and we're always available. Dna test performed by Laboklin- German Shepherd and Wolfdog DNA Bundle (DM2+PD+HUU+MDR1+ CL1) DNA Test Results: Degenerative Myelopathy (Exon 2) N/N (Genetically Clear) Hyperuricosuria / Urate Stones (HUU / SLC) N/N (Genetically Clear) Coat (Hair) Length I (HlHd1 SNP G284T) L / l Interpretation: The test detects the alleles L (shorthair) and l (longhair) in the FGF5 gene. Allelic series: L dominant over l MDR1 Gene Variant / Ivermectin Sensitivity N/N (+/+) (Genetically Clear) Dwarfism (Pituitary Dwarfism / Hypopituitarism ) N/N (Genetically Clear)
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PAAG promotes responsible pet advertising to help protect animal welfare. That's why Pets4Homes works to ensure all of our adverts meet PAAG's minimum standards.


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Pet Media Ltd trading as Pets4Homes is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, who administer the insurance. Agria Pet Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.