Health Checked by a vetMicrochipped by collection dateVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedKC registered by collectionNeutered
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Lazer now at stud
Eye Examination : Unaffected - 11th March 2022
Haemophilia : normal -
DM : n/n clear -
MDR1 : n/n clear -
DNA Profiled : normal -
MPS : n/n clear -
PD : N/Dw (Carrier) -
Elbow Score : 0 -
Hip Score : 3-7 total 10 –
Here we have Lazer a very happy boy He has been extensively health tested
He is a Chloe/Giggs boy with an excellent temperament and pedigree.
His mother cyah anask vonthurlow has now been tested clear of PD, However he is a carrier therefore anyone wanting to use Lazer must have their bitch tested for PD.Clear
He is maturing well with good bone and straight back for any further information please call or email