
Grand Champion Sired - Multi Champion Bloodlines S

3 weeks
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Adv. ID:YXQayroGx
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Basingstoke
Age:4 years, 9 months

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateKC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetMicrochipped by collection dateNeutered
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OTIS Available for Stud Proven Stud, The quality is there to be seen. He holds 23 Champions in 5 Generation and passes down 15 to his pups. Our boy is an outstanding example of the breed and produces the best quality blue offspring which can be seen in the pictures supplied. Otis is the Grandfather of Zues Irish Junior Champion 🏆and with the extra added bonus, Zeus is the son of our very own Champion Mica. Our Family dog has a Lovely temperament. True to Type, Short & Stocky, Dark Eyes, Dark Nails, Rose ears. His Blue coat pigmentation is perfect and he passes this on to his pups.✅ Sired by the infamous "Joker" - Grand Champion You're Yoker At Sama Slodycz Harpagon (FCI)@ Bullscaff and is Crufts qualified His Dam is Hazmieh Galway Girl at Brookbelle from one of the best Irish kennels in Galway. With an outstanding pedigree of Grand champions and Multi champions. KC Registered✅ Health Tested.✅ DNA - HC-HSF4 Clear.✅ DNA - L-2HGA Clear.✅ BVA Eye Screened Unaffected.✅ Sperm count tested regularly. 97% Mobility = 800.000 per Ml✅ AMAZING COI PERCENTAGE 4.9 ✅ 5 Generation of Pedigree upon request! We are based in Hampshire RG23 Basingstoke, Hampshire This is an unbeatable Stud package £450.00 and includes 1 x Cytology, 2 x natural mating, 48 hours apart Plus semen analysis before both inseminations. To check the quality and mobility of Otis's semen. All can be carried out in-house and we are CPD-qualified. ✅ We can also help you with cytology testing this is essential to getting our girl's season days correct for mating. This will cost an additional £25.00 per test (only with this package), Or you can use your preferred local clinic. Payment is to be made in full upon the first tie. Our other services @ Trojan K9 Fertility Services Microchipping CPD and Defra approved qualified.✅ Cytology CPD qualified.✅ Semen Analysis CPD qualified.✅ We can also ship Chilled Semen for an additional cost UK Only. CPD qualified. ✅ Fully insured.✅ For further information please see our website Heath Tested Bitches only, please
Trojanstaff UK
Licensed Breeder
1 day
Member since:5 years
Trojanstaff UK
Licence No.:23/00598/AWAAL
Local Authority:\Basingstoke and Dean
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Trojanstaff UK
Licensed Breeder
1 day
Member since:5 years
Trojanstaff UK
Licence No.:23/00598/AWAAL
Local Authority:\Basingstoke and Dean
Verified by:

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