
Walter is still Looking for his Forever Home

Bury Saint Edmunds
1 month
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William - SoldMale£1,000



Adv. ID:ZbQ3g6YtB
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Bury Saint Edmunds
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2024-08-29
Age:10 months, 2 days
Pets in litter:2 male

Health & Docs

KC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
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Freddy is Blue in colour and a lovely sweet boy, quite calm for a boy although does have his odd mad moments, he is a cuddler and walks very well on the lead, has been shown and has Qualified for Crufts 2025 Walter now Reserved we do have a Blue Boy Freddie who is now looking for a home, he is Cruft's 2025 Qualified, lovely sweet boy. We have 2 Boy's left looking for loving homes William and Walter. They are Pedigree German Spitz Mittel’s. Mum Panda is a Beautiful Black and White Parti coloured girl and Dad Wesley is a lovely Black boy, both parents are Shown and are lovely examples of the breed. Both Parent’s are up to date with Health Tests and copy's of each will be provided. Eyes cleae, and Patella's both 0 - 0 The pups have had a litter screen and a copy of that is also provided. They are Fully Vaccinated and Microchipped. William is the handsome black boy who is quite a showy chap and of someone wanted to show he would be fab for it, Walter the sable is a sweety would much rather be cuddled all day, he is also not a fan of outting his ears up for photos cheeky boy 🤣 both fluff balls are very intelligent, love to be with people and having a cuddle and love to play with other dogs too. They are well handled and used to being groomed including having toenails trimmed, also have been bathed and blasted and did very well with blaster. They are getting used to travelling in a car and doing very well on the lead. They are used to the usual house hold noises, used to other dogs. They leave us Fully Vaccinated and a thorough Health Check done by Vet (twice), Micro chipped, Pedigree, Kennel Club Registration, and Copy of Litter Screen & Copy of Parents Health tests. Food for next 2 weeks complete feed and meat trays, some toys, treats (training, chews, bedtime biscuits and more) Up to Date with Worming (Wormed Correctly from birth – all previous dates, weights etc provided) A puppy info pack explaining everything you need to know feeding, worming, training, Grooming, etc and much more – praised by many people and vets for being so informative and helpful. Plus a lifetime of support and help – we are always here to help you no matter how far down the line, even 15 years down the line!!! I still care for dogs I’ve bred even if they’re 17 years old – I am always here. They are well handled and used to seeing people as well as my 15 year old niece and 12 year old nephew and hearing and seeing the chaos my twin boys cause who have just turned 3 years. As well as parents we also have grandparents and great grandparents all still going strong and well, some still being shown and doing well. We have been involved with German Spitz Mittel’s now for 12+ years. We are the Saich Family - who have been Running a Family Establishment for nearly 50 years, We are Professional Breeders of Cairn Terriers (50+ years), Flatcoat’s (45 years) and German Spitz Mittel (12+ Years) and Jack Russell Terrier’s (28+ Years). We Have Licensed Premises Inspected by Vets and The Local Council, With A Fully Licensed Whelping Residence, Which has been purpose built for the housing of our lovely mums and there puppies attached to our home. This has been specially designed for their welfare and needs – having even their own Kitchen. We are constantly monitoring them, handling them, grooming them, loving them and giving hours of attention to them. We make sure we put the most into our Pups and spend the time with new owners to make sure they are fully prepared and ready for the adventure that lies ahead of them and their new family member. We also and always have and do offer the returning of them to us, weather this is 10 years down the line or just a couple if something should happen and you are no longer able to keep your companion for whatever reason –As None Of Us Know What The Future Holds – we will either re-home your little friend or if they are quite elderly keep them ourselves. We also have a Lindcoly Fun Day were people with our dogs come back to visit each year although obviously due to Covid we have had to cancel the last few but had one this year on the 28th of May and it was great fun we already have next year’s one in the diary! It is such fun for everyone we have a Fun Show, Tombola, Raffles, Grooming Demo’s, Food Truck, Ice Cream, Raffles, Professional Photographer and it’s so lovely to see all our Lindcoly Children come back for kisses and cuddles and nice to have a catch up with their Families. As well as breeding our little monsters we have also been running a boarding kennels and cattery for over 45+ years as well, so our dogs are well socialised with seeing a range of different breeds and animals as also we have a pet pig called Mable and 4 Cats. For more information; please feel free to contact us. Please Note: If keen do call, as we don't get time to check e-mails as often as we'd like. Many Thanks Tel: 01638 721880 OR Visit:
Bury Saint Edmunds
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Member since:3 years
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Bury Saint Edmunds
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