
Axolotl ........ +447405847907

3 weeks
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Adv. ID
Adv. Location
Birchills, Walsall
Advert Type
For sale
10 months, 15 days
Is Endangered Species
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I have some axolotl looking for new waters, they are cold water animals fed on a mix of denrdrobenna worms and bloodworm we have available Lucisistic £20 +447405847907 Deals on multiple available and bulk sales over 10 also available the more you buy the cheaper it will be Axolotl are relatively east to keep id stick to bare bottom or sand as gravel will kill them, there cold water and like a slow flow of water movement but plenty of oxygen, my babies are fed on live foods until they reach bloodworm, once too big for bloodworm that goes to a tasty treat and I feed them on bait worms, I don't feed pellets and avoid them at all costs due to making tank merky when not eaten however they are a good source of food if you want to spend a couple hours taking the uneaten.pellets out due to having so many to care for it wouldnt be just a couple of hours lmao, demdrobeena worms all the way They are a healthy 3 inches with all there back legs, details on keeping them can be sent drop me a msg I can talk via this or forward on my number +447405847907 I have bred and kept axolotl since 2016 I had another profile on pets for homes but can't remember the password for the love of God, this is run by me, my partner and little 1, in time we won't be dealing with public sales and will be going into wholesale full time, we have a wide range of aquatics, from axolotl to L number plecos and snails, there always on a cycle and have stock 95% of the time +447405847907
RHK Aquatics F.
1 day
Member since:11 months
RHK Aquatics  F.
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RHK Aquatics F.
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Member since:11 months
RHK Aquatics  F.
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