

Lifespan10 - 12 years
WeightMale:70 - 90kgFemale:70 - 90kg
HeightMale:64 - 70cmFemale: 59 - 65cm
NicknamesSouth African Mastiff


Boerboels are loyal and protective of their families
They have low shedding and low maintenance coats
They can be left on their own providing it is not for too long
They are a better choice for people with older children
In the right hands Boerboels are easy to train
They are renowned for being excellent watchdogs


Boerboels have a low boredom threshold and can be destructive in not kept occupied
They must be well socialised from a young age
They are not the best choice for first time dog owners because they need to be handled and trained by people familiar with their needs
Boerboels do not respond well to harsh training methods
They are large and therefore need enough space to express themselves
Boerboels are not suited to apartment living
They have a high prey drive
Excercise Needs
Easy To Train
Amount of Shedding
Grooming Needs
Good With Children
Health of Breed
Cost To Keep
Tolerates Being Alone
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Introduction of the Boerboel

The Boerboel is a Mastiff type dog native to South Africa where these large dogs were bred to work on farms and as guard dogs. Translated their name means 'farmer's dog'. They are very impressive looking dogs and although imposing they boast being gentle giants as long as they are well socialised and correctly trained from a young age. With this said they are definitely not a good choice for first time owners. The Boerboel is however a good choice for someone who is familiar with the needs and training requirements of the breed or this sort of very large mastiff type dog and who has enough inside and outdoor space for them to be able to more around freely.

Boerboels are known to be good around older children but due to their sheer size and their protective natures they are not suited to households with younger children or toddlers. They also boast having a high prey drive and a natural threat perceptions which is why Boerboels have always been so highly prized watchdogs in South Africa.

History of the Boerboel

Although the actual origins of the Boerboel remains a little uncertain it is thought the breed came about when settlers from Holland Germany France and England took their dogs with them to South Africa where they were bred to various local dogs. In the early 1900's DeBeers the largest diamond mining company for the region bought over Bullmastiff type dogs to guard their valuable mines and it is thought that these dogs contributed to creating the Boerboel. Their name actually means "farmer's Mastiff" in Afrikaans.

Whatever their true origins the Boerboel was bred to be a strong robust and heavy dog that was suited to the harsh dry and arid South African climate. They were bred to be large enough to scare thieves and robbers off which these dogs achieve very well thanks to their imposing looks.

Today the Boerboel remains a very popular choice of watchdog in their native South Africa both on farms and as working watchdogs. However they have also become a popular choice as family pets thanks to their kind and loyal natures paired to the fact they are renowned for their guarding abilities. These large dogs are also gaining popularity here in the UK although the breed has not yet been recognised by The Kennel Club. The Boerboel is however recognised by the American Kennel Club and other international associations

Interesting facts about the breed

  • Is the Boerboel a vulnerable breed? No they have fast become a popular choice of family pets and companions in the UK and elsewhere in the world
  • The Boerboel is renowned for having a strong perception of any impending threat which is an instinct for which the breed has always been highly prized in South Africa
  • A Boerboel with a strong prey drive is thought to be a "true working" dog thanks to their "threat perception instinct"
  • In times past the Boerboel was thought of as the "farmer's mastiff" in their native South Africa and their name literally means just that
  • Traditionally a Boerboel's tail was always docked but since the law banning the procedure came into effect in 2007 tail docking is now illegal with the exception being for some working breeds and if a dog suffers from some sort of health issue that requires their tails to be docked. The procedure must be agreed and authorised before being performed by a qualified vet

Appearance of the Boerboel

Height at the withers: Males 64 - 70 cm Females 59 - 65 cm

Average weight: Males 70 - 90 kg Females 70 - 90 kg

The Boerboel is an extremely large muscular and stocky dog but despite their size and rather bulky appearance they are athletic and boast a quick turn of speed when needed. Males tend to be a larger and heavier than their female counterparts but both boast having large heads which is the breed’s impressive and distinctive feature. Their heads are unique but always well in proportion with the rest of the body being broad short and quite "blocky" with dogs have nice full cheeks.

A Boerboel's face blends gradually into the skull and dogs can have a black mask although many do not. Their earflaps are set wide apart and carried close to a dog's head being V-shaped medium in size and broader at the base showing no creases. The lower edge of the ear falling in line with a dog's dentition. Their eyes are nicely defined and medium in size being round and facing forward on a dog's face. Their eyes are set widely spaced on a dog's face with firm well pigmented eyelids. Eyes can be any shade of brown or yellow.

Stops are clearly visible with dogs having a well filled space between. A Boerboel's muzzle is broad and deep tapering to towards the tip and nostrils are wide apart and large with the leather being black. Their jaws are broad deep and strong tapering a little to the front and having no sign of a curve on the lower jaw.

Their necks are extremely powerful and moderately long which dogs hold slightly arched. It flows smoothly to a dog's shoulders with females showing less muscle than their male counterparts. Boerboels have a level firm broad topline that extends from behind the wither to their croup and their bellies boast being slightly tucked up.

Their bodies are compact very muscular and solid with dogs having both a good depth and width to them. They have broad straight backs and very noticeable muscles. Chests are deep wide and broad with dogs having well sprung ribs and loins that are muscular and strong being just slightly narrower than a dog's ribcage and rump. Shoulders slope moderately and are muscular powerful and tight. Croups are flat strong and broad. Tails are a natural extension of a dog's spinal cord and is set quite high being a nice length and girth with dogs holding them in the shape of a sabre.

Front legs boast having well-defined muscles and show lots of strong bone with dogs having large well boned front feet with slightly arched toes and black toe nails with hair growing in between them. Their pads are very tough thick and black in colour. Their hindquarters are muscular and sturdy with dogs boasting powerful strongly boned back legs and well developed upper thighs. Their back feet are slightly larger than their front ones.

A Boerboel's skin is loose and quite thick with the pigmentation being black. Dogs have a moderate number of wrinkles and folds on their brows when they are alert. When it comes to their coat the Boerboel has a very short dense sleek and smooth coat that boasts a natural sheen to it and they have well-pigmented skin. These large dogs come in a variety of colours which are as follows:

  • Fawn - all shades
  • Red - all shades
  • Brown - all shades
  • Black - white points on extremities are allowed
  • Original powder dilute
  • Brindle
  • Irish marked - dogs should have less than 33% white in their coats
  • Piebald - dogs should have less than 33% white in their coats

Boerboels should always have good skin pigmentation no matter what colour coat.

More about colours

Breeders are strongly advised to breed black Boerboels to solid coloured dogs because of the dilute gene they carry. Black coated Boerboels can be tested to establish whether they carry the "dilute gene" before they are used for breeding purposes. Other recommendations include the following:

  • Boerboels with piebald coats should never be mated to other piebald dogs that have more than 33% of white in their coats because of the health issues associated with the piebald gene
  • Black coated Boerboels should never be bred to a Piebald or Irish coated dog as well as any other solid coated dog that has tested positive for carrying the piebald gene
  • Dogs without black in their lineage (original powder dilute Boerboels) should only be bred to dogs with solid coats piebald or Irish marked coats that have tested clear for the powder dilute gene
  • Dogs with liver noses should not be used for breeding purposes
  • Dogs with Isabella coats should not be bred from


When a Boerboel moves they so effortlessly with purpose showing tremendous power in their hindquarters. They take long strides covering a lot of ground with their legs moving on parallel planes and their backs remaining nice and level.


Prospective Boerboels owners should be wary of any puppies or dogs that show any sort of exaggeration whether in their looks conformation or temperament A responsible breeder would always ensure that puppies they produce have good conformation and sound temperaments. Dogs must have even temperaments showing no signs of shyness or aggression and males should have both testicles fully descended into their scrotums.

Temperament of the Boerboel

Altezza al garrese: Maschi 64 - 70 cm Femmine 59 - 65 cm

Peso medio: Maschi 70 - 90 kg Femmine 70 - 90 kg

Il Boerboel è un cane estremamente grande, muscoloso e compatto, ma nonostante le sue dimensioni e l'aspetto piuttosto imponente, è atletico e possiede una notevole agilità quando necessario. I maschi sono generalmente più grandi e pesanti rispetto alle femmine, ma entrambi hanno teste grandi, che sono il tratto distintivo e caratteristico della razza. Le loro teste sono uniche ma sempre ben proporzionate al resto del corpo, larghe, corte e piuttosto "bloccate", con cani che hanno belle guance piene.

Il viso di un Boerboel si fonde gradualmente con il cranio e i cani possono avere una maschera nera, sebbene molti non ce l'abbiano. Le loro orecchie sono poste lontane l'una dall'altra e vicine alla testa del cane, a forma di V, di dimensioni medie e più larghe alla base senza mostrare pieghe. Il bordo inferiore dell'orecchio coincide con la dentatura del cane. I loro occhi sono ben definiti e di dimensioni medie, rotondi e rivolti in avanti sul viso del cane. Gli occhi sono distanziati sul viso del cane, con palpebre ben pigmentate e solide. Gli occhi possono avere qualsiasi tonalità di marrone o giallo.

I fermagli sono chiaramente visibili con i cani che hanno uno spazio ben riempito tra loro. Il muso di un Boerboel è largo e profondo, appuntito verso la punta, e le narici sono larghe e grandi, con la pelle nera. Le loro mascelle sono larghe, profonde e forti, leggermente appuntite verso la parte anteriore e senza segni di curvatura nella mandibola inferiore.

Il loro collo è estremamente potente e di lunghezza moderata, mantenendo i cani leggermente arcuati. Si fonde dolcemente con le spalle del cane, con le femmine che mostrano meno muscolatura rispetto ai maschi. I Boerboel hanno una linea superiore piatta, solida e larga che si estende dalla parte posteriore del garrese fino alla loro groppa, e i loro addomi sono leggermente sollevati.

I loro corpi sono compatti, molto muscolosi e solidi, con cani che hanno sia una buona profondità che larghezza. Hanno schiene larghe e dritte e muscoli molto evidenti. I toraci sono profondi, larghi e ampi, con cani che hanno costole ben arcuate e lombi muscolosi e forti, appena più stretti rispetto alla gabbia toracica e al posteriore del cane. Le spalle sono inclinate moderatamente e sono muscolose, potenti e compatte. Le gropppe sono piatte, forti e larghe. Le code sono un'estensione naturale del midollo spinale del cane e sono posizionate abbastanza alte, con una buona lunghezza e circonferenza, mantenendo la forma di una scimitarra.

Gli arti anteriori hanno muscoli ben definiti e mostrano molto osso forte, con cani che hanno arti anteriori grandi e ben ossati con dita leggermente arcuate e unghie nere con peli tra di esse. Le loro piante dei piedi sono molto resistenti, spesse e nere. Il loro posteriore è muscoloso e solido, con cani che hanno arti posteriori potenti e ben ossati e cosce ben sviluppate. Gli arti posteriori sono leggermente più grandi degli anteriori.

La pelle di un Boerboel è sciolta e abbastanza spessa, con pigmentazione nera. I cani hanno un numero moderato di pieghe e rughe sulla fronte quando sono allerta. Per quanto riguarda il loro mantello, il Boerboel ha un pelo molto corto, denso, liscio e lucente che lucida naturalmente e ha una pelle ben pigmentata. Questi grandi cani si presentano in diverse colorazioni, ovvero:

  • Fulvo - tutte le sfumature
  • Rosso - tutte le sfumature
  • Bruno - tutte le sfumature
  • Nero - sono ammesse macchie bianche sui piedi
  • Polvere originale diluita
  • Tigrato
  • Marcato irlandese - i cani possono avere meno del 33% di bianco nel loro mantello
  • Pinto - i cani possono avere meno del 33% di bianco nel loro mantello

I Boerboel devono sempre avere una buona pigmentazione della pelle, indipendentemente dal colore del mantello.

Ulteriori informazioni sui colori

Si consiglia vivamente agli allevatori di accoppiare Boerboel neri con cani di colore uniforme a causa del gene diluito che portano. I Boerboel neri possono essere testati per determinare se portano il "gene diluito" prima di essere utilizzati per scopi di riproduzione. Altre raccomandazioni includono:

  • I Boerboel con mantelli pinto non devono mai essere incrociati con altri cani pinto che hanno più del 33% di bianco nel loro mantello a causa dei problemi di salute associati al gene pinto
  • I Boerboel neri non devono mai essere accoppiati con cani pinto o irlandesi, così come con qualsiasi altro cane di colore uniforme che ha testato positivo per il gene pinto
  • I cani senza nero nella loro discendenza (Boerboel polvere originale diluita) devono essere accoppiati solo con cani a pelo uniforme, pinto o marcati irlandesi che hanno testato negativo per il gene diluito
  • I cani con nasi color fegato non devono essere utilizzati per la riproduzione
  • I cani con mantelli Isabella non devono essere riprodotti


Quando un Boerboel si muove, lo fa senza sforzo con uno scopo, mostrando una enorme forza nel posteriore. Fanno passi lunghi e coprono molta distanza, con le loro zampe che si muovono su piani paralleli e le loro schiene che rimangono belle e dritte.


I futuri proprietari di Boerboel devono fare attenzione ai cuccioli o ai cani che mostrano qualsiasi forma di esagerazione, sia nel loro aspetto, conformazione o temperamento. Un allevatore responsabile si assicurerà sempre che i cuccioli che producono abbiano una buona conformazione e temperamenti sani. I cani devono avere temperamenti equilibrati e non mostrare segni di timidezza o aggressività, e i maschi devono avere entrambi i testicoli completamente discesi nello scroto.

Intelligence / Trainability of the Boerboel

The Boerboel is an intelligent dog however they boast having very strong "guarding" instincts which is something that needs to be gently curbed when these large dogs are still young. Leaving their education until they are older can make them harder to train simply because of their large size. With this said in the right hands and with the right amount of early socialisation and the correct sort of training the Boerboel is a very responsive dog and one that learns new things very quickly. The key to successfully training a Boerboel is to make sure they understand the limits and boundaries which a dog must respect from an early age.

It's a good idea to enrol the help of an expert dog trainer when thinking of sharing a home with Boerboel. It's a great way of ensuring their training and education starts off on the right foot which goes a long way when it comes to handling and living with such large dogs in a home environment.

Like all puppies Boerboels are very cute which means it is all too easy to spoil puppies when they first arrive in their new homes. However owners need to start out as they mean to go on bearing in mind that a cute puppy quickly grows up to be a powerful and dominant adult dog. This means setting out ground rules limits and boundaries so that a puppy understands what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. It also helps establish who is the alpha dog in a household something that is extremely important where Boerboels are concerned. The first commands a puppy should be taught are as follows:

  • Come
  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Quiet
  • Leave it
  • Down
  • Bed

Children and other

Boerboels do make good family pets however thanks to their sheer size they are not the best choice for families where there are toddlers or small children in the household. They are known to be gentle by nature but they may just knock a smaller child over which could end up scaring them or in a worst-case scenario injuring a toddler.

As such Pets4homes advises that Boerboels are not the best choice for families with babies or very young children. Anyone who already shares a home with a Boerboel and who have younger children should always make sure they are never left together unattended. It is also crucial for parents to teach young children how to behave around dogs and when to stay away from them particularly when there is food around or during playtime.

When well socialised from a young age and introduced to as many other dogs as possible the Boerboel generally gets on well with them. The same can be said of other animals and pets they have grown up with in a household. Care should be taken when they around any other animals and it would be a mistake to leave them on their own and unsupervised.

Health of the Boerboel

The average life expectancy of a Boerboel is between 10 and 12 years when properly cared for and fed an appropriate good quality diet to suit their ages.

Like so many other breeds the Boerboel is known to suffer from a few hereditary health issues which are worth knowing about if you are planning share your home with one of these large attractive dogs. The conditions that seem to affect the breed the most include the following:

  • Hip dysplasia - dogs should be hip scored
  • Elbowdysplasia - dogs should be tested
  • Entropion (Eyelids Folding Inwards) - dogs should be eye tested
  • Ectropion (Eyelids Roll Outwards) - dogs should be eye tested
  • Vaginal hyperplasia - bitches should be tested
  • Bloat/gastric torsion
  • Wobblers syndrome
  • Weak immune systems
  • Allergies

What about vaccinations?

Boerboel puppies would have been given their initial vaccinations before being sold but it is up to their new owners to make sure they have their follow-up shots in a timely manner with the vaccination schedule for puppies being as follows:

  • 10 -12 weeks old bearing in mind that a puppy would not have full protection straight away but would be fully protected 2 weeks after they have had their second vaccination

There has been a lot of discussion about the need for dogs to have boosters. As such it's best to talk to a vet before making a final decision on whether a dog should continue to have annual vaccinations which are known as boosters.

What about spaying and neutering?

A lot of vets these days recommend waiting until dogs are slightly older before spaying and neutering them which means they are more mature before undergoing the procedures. As such they advise neutering males and spaying females when they are between the ages of 6 to 9 months old and sometimes even when a dog is 12 months old.

Other vets recommend spaying and neutering dogs when they are 6 months old but never any earlier unless for medical reasons. With this said many breeds are different and it is always advisable to discuss things with a vet and then follow their advice on when a dog should be spayed or neutered.

What about obesity problems?

Boerboels are known to like their food a little too much and the fact they tend to be quite lazy by nature means they are prone to putting on weight. With this said dogs can gain weight after they have been spayed or neutered and it's important to keep an eye on a dog's waistline just in case they do. If a dog starts to put on weight it's important to adjust their daily calorie intake and to up the amount of exercise they are given.

Older dogs too are more prone to gaining weight and again it's essential they be fed and exercised accordingly because obesity can shorten a dog's life by several years. The reason being that it puts a lot of extra strain on a dog's internal organs including the heart which could prove fatal.

What about allergies?

Boerboels are prone to suffering from allergies and it's important for a dog to see a vet sooner rather than later if one flares up. Allergies can be notoriously hard to clear up and finding the triggers can be challenging. With this said a vet would be able to make a dog with an allergy more comfortable while they try to find out the triggers which could include the following:

  • Certain dog foods that contain higher levels of cereal and other grain fillers
  • Airborne pollens
  • Dust mites
  • Environment
  • Flea and tick bites
  • Chemicals found in everyday household cleaning products

Participating in health schemes

All responsible Boerboel breeders would ensure that their stud dogs are tested for known hereditary and congenital health issues known to affect the breed by using the following schemes:

  • Hip scoring - the BVA average being 21 and the Pennhip average stands at 0.54
  • Elbow testing - when dogs are 12 months old with the mean score being 0:0 to 1:1
  • Eye testing for both entropion and ectropion
  • Vaginal hyperplasia - bitches should be tested clear

Black coated Boerboels can be tested to establish whether they carry the "dilute gene"

What about breed specific breeding restrictions?

Boerboels are not a Kennel Club registered breed as such there are no breed specific restrictions in place for the breed. However prospective owners should only contact responsible breeders who ensure their studs are health and temperament tested.

What about Assured Breeder Requirements?

Currently there are no Assured Breeder requirements for the Boerboel because the breed is not yet Kennel Club recognised.

Caring for the Boerboel

As with any other breed Boerboels need to be groomed on a regular basis to make sure their coats and skin are kept in top condition. They also need to be given regular daily exercise to ensure they remain fit and healthy. On top of this dogs need to be fed good quality food that meets all their nutritional needs throughout their lives.

Caring for a Boerboel puppy

Boerboel puppies can be extremely boisterous and full of life which means it's essential for homes and gardens to be puppy-proofed well in advance of their arrival. A responsible breeder would have well socialised their puppies which always leads to more outgoing confident and friendly dogs right from the word go. With this said any puppy is going to feel vulnerable when they leave their mother and littermates which must be taken into account. The longer a puppy can remain with their mother the better although it should never be for too long either.

It's best to pick a puppy up when people are going to be around for the first week or so which is the time needed for a puppy to settle in. Puppy-proofing the home and garden means putting away any tools and other implements that a boisterous puppy might injure themselves on. Electric wires and cables must be put out of their reach because puppies love chewing on things. Toxic plants should be removed from flowerbeds and the home too.

Puppies need to sleep a lot to grow and develop as they should which means setting up a quiet area that's not too out of the way means they can retreat to it when they want to nap and it's important not to disturb them when they are sleeping. It's also a good idea to keep "playtime" nice and calm inside the house and to have a more active "playtime" outside in the garden which means puppies quickly learn to be less boisterous when they are inside.

The documentation a breeder provides for a puppy must have all the details of their worming date and the product used as well as the information relating to their microchip. It is essential for puppies to be wormed again keeping to a schedule which is as follows:

  • Puppies should be wormed at 6 months old
  • They need to be wormed again when they are 8 months old
  • Puppies should be wormed when they are 10 months old
  • They need to be wormed when they are 12 months old

Things you'll need for your puppy

There are certain items that new owners need to already have in the home prior to bringing a new puppy home. It's often a good idea to restrict how much space a puppy plays in more especially when you can't keep an eye on what they get up to bearing in mind that puppies are often quite boisterous which means investing in puppy gates or a large enough playpen that allows a puppy the room to express themselves while keeping them safe too. The items needed are therefore as follows:

  • Good quality puppy or baby gates to fit on doors
  • A good well-made playpen that's large enough for a puppy to play in so they can really express themselves as puppies like to do
  • Lots of well-made toys which must include good quality chews suitable for puppies to gnaw on bearing in mind that a puppy will start teething anything from when they are 3 to 8 months old
  • Good quality feed and water bowls which ideally should be ceramic rather than plastic or metal
  • A grooming glove
  • A slicker brush or soft bristle brush
  • Dog specific toothpaste and a toothbrush
  • Scissors with rounded ends
  • Nail clippers
  • Puppy shampoo and conditioner which must be specifically formulated for use on dogs
  • A well-made strong dog collar or harness
  • A couple of strong dog leads
  • A well-made dog bed that's not too small or too big
  • A well-made dog crate for use in the car and in the home that's large enough for a puppy to move around in
  • Baby blankets to put in your puppy's crate and in their beds for when they want to nap or go to sleep at night

Keeping the noise down

All puppies are sensitive to noise including Boerboel puppies. It's important to keep the noise levels down when a new puppy arrives in the home. TVs and music should not be played too loud which could end up stressing a small puppy out.

Keeping vet appointments

As previously mentioned Boerboel puppies would have been given their first vaccinations by the breeders but they must have their follow up shots which is up to their new owners to organise. The vaccination schedule for puppies is as follows:

  • 10 -12 weeks old bearing in mind that a puppy would not have full protection straight away but would only be fully protected 2 weeks after they have had their second vaccination

When it comes to boosters it's best to discuss these with a vet because there is a lot of debate about whether a dog really needs them after a certain time. However if a dog ever needed to go into kennels their vaccinations would need to be fully up to date.

What about older Boerboel when they reach their senior years?

Older Boerboels need lots of special care because as they reach their golden years they are more at risk of developing certain health concerns. Physically a dog's muzzle may start to go grey but there will be other noticeable changes too which includes the following:

  • Coats become coarser
  • A loss of muscle tone
  • Boerboels can either become overweight or underweight
  • They have reduced strength and stamina
  • Older dogs have difficulty regulating their body temperature
  • They often develop arthritis
  • Immune systems do not work as efficiently as they once did which means dogs are more susceptible to infections

Older dogs change mentally too which means their response time tends to be slower as such they develop the following:

  • They respond less to external stimuli due to impaired vision or hearing
  • They tend to be a little pickier about their food
  • They have a lower pain threshold
  • Become intolerant of any change
  • Often an older dog can feel disorientated

Living with a Boerboel in their golden years means taking on a few more responsibilities but these are easily managed and should include looking at their diet the amount of exercise they are given how often their dog beds need changing and keeping an eye on the condition of their teeth.

Older Boerboels need to be fed a good quality diet that meets their needs at this stage of their lives all the while keeping a close eye on a dog's weight. A rough feeding guide for older dogs is as follows bearing in mind they should be fed highly digestible food that does not contain any additives:

  • Protein content should be anything from 14 – 21%
  • Fat content should be less than 10%
  • Fibre content should be less than 4%
  • Calcium content should be 0.5 – 0.8%
  • Phosphorous content should be 0.4 – 0.7%
  • Sodium content should be 0.2 – 0.4%

Older Boerboels don't need to be given the same amount of daily exercise as a younger dog but they still need the right amount of physical activity to maintain muscle tone and to prevent a dog from putting on too much weight. All dogs need access to fresh clean water and this is especially true of older dogs when they reach their golden years because they are more at risk of developing kidney disorders.

Grooming of the Boerboel

Just like with any other breed, Boerboels need regular care to ensure that their coat and skin remain in excellent condition. They should also receive daily physical exercise to stay fit and healthy. Additionally, dogs must receive high-quality food that meets all their nutritional needs throughout their lives.

Care for a Boerboel Puppy

Boerboel puppies can be extremely lively and full of energy, which means it is essential to properly prepare homes and gardens before their arrival. A responsible breeder will have well-socialized the puppies, which always leads to more outgoing, confident, and friendly dogs from the start. That said, each puppy will feel vulnerable when leaving its mother and siblings, which must be taken into account. The longer a puppy can stay with the mother, the better, although it should not be too long.

It is better to bring a puppy home when there will be people around during the first week or so, the time a puppy needs to adjust. Making the home and garden puppy-proof means putting away all tools and other items that an active puppy might hurt itself on. Electrical cords should be kept out of their reach, as puppies love to chew on things. Toxic plants should be removed from gardens and homes.

Puppies need a lot of sleep to grow and develop properly, which means setting up a quiet space that is not too isolated allows them to retreat there when they want to nap, and it is important not to disturb them while they are sleeping. It is also a good idea to keep "playtime" inside the house relatively calm and have more active "playtime" outside in the garden, which means puppies quickly learn to be less lively when indoors.

The documentation provided by a breeder for a puppy should include all details about the deworming date and the product used, as well as information regarding the microchip. It is essential that puppies are dewormed again according to the following schedule:

  • Puppies should be dewormed at 6 months of age
  • They should be dewormed again when they are 8 months old
  • Puppies should be dewormed when they are 10 months old
  • They should be dewormed when they are 12 months old

Supplies for Your Puppy

There are some items that new owners should already have at home before bringing a new puppy home. It is often a good idea to limit the space a puppy can play in, especially when you cannot see what they are doing, considering that puppies are often quite lively, which means investing in puppy gates or a large play area that gives the puppy space to express itself while also keeping it safe. The necessary items are as follows:

  • High-quality puppy or baby gates for doors
  • A well-made play area that is large enough for a puppy to play and express itself as puppies love to do
  • Many well-made toys, including high-quality chew toys suitable for puppies, considering that a puppy starts teething between 3 and 8 months of age
  • High-quality food and water bowls, preferably ceramic rather than plastic or metal
  • A grooming glove
  • A slicker brush or a soft brush
  • Dog-specific toothpaste and a toothbrush
  • Scissors with rounded tips
  • Nail clippers
  • Puppy shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for use on dogs
  • A sturdy, well-made collar or harness
  • A couple of durable leashes
  • A well-made dog bed that is neither too small nor too large
  • A well-made dog crate for use in the car and at home, large enough for a puppy to move around
  • Baby blankets to put in the puppy's crate and bed for when they want to nap or sleep at night

Keeping Noise Levels Low

All puppies are sensitive to noise, including Boerboel puppies. It is important to keep noise levels low when a new puppy arrives in the home. Televisions and music should not be played too loudly, as this could stress a small puppy.

Keeping Vet Appointments

As mentioned earlier, Boerboel puppies should have received their first vaccinations from breeders, but they need to receive subsequent vaccinations, which is the responsibility of new owners to arrange. The vaccination schedule for puppies is as follows:

  • 10-12 weeks of age, with a puppy not immediately having complete protection but being fully protected 2 weeks after receiving the second vaccination

Regarding boosters, it is best to discuss them with a veterinarian, as there is much debate about whether a dog really needs them over time. However, if a dog ever goes to a dog daycare, its vaccinations must be completely up-to-date.

What Happens to Older Boerboels When They Reach Their Golden Years?

Older Boerboels require a lot of special care as they are at a higher risk of developing certain health issues during their golden years. Physically, a dog’s muzzle may begin to gray, but there will also be other noticeable changes, including the following:

  • The coat becomes more coarse
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Boerboels may become heavier or lighter
  • Reduced strength and stamina
  • Older dogs have difficulty regulating their body temperature
  • They often develop arthritis
  • The immune systems no longer work as efficiently as before, meaning dogs are more susceptible to infections

Older dogs also change mentally, meaning their reaction time is generally slower, leading them to develop:

  • Reacting less to external stimuli due to reduced vision or hearing
  • Becoming pickier with food
  • Having a lower pain threshold
  • Becoming intolerant of changes
  • Older dogs may often appear disoriented

Living with a Boerboel during its golden years means taking on a few additional responsibilities, but these are manageable and should involve monitoring their diet, the amount of exercise they get, the frequency of changing their beds, and keeping an eye on their dental health.

Older Boerboels should receive a high-quality diet that meets their needs at this stage of their life while also monitoring the dog’s weight. A rough nutritional guide for older dogs is as follows, with highly digestible food that contains no additives:

  • Protein content should range from 14% to 21%
  • Fat content should be less than 10%
  • The content

Exercise of the Boerboel

Boerboels need to be given the right amount of daily exercise and mental stimulation for them to be truly happy well-rounded dogs. This means a good 60-minute walk every day and as much mental stimulation as possible to prevent boredom from setting in. They are very large intelligent dogs and when they get bored they can develop some very destructive behaviours around the home.

A shorter walk in the morning would be fine but a longer more interesting one in the afternoon is a must. These dogs also like to be able to roam around a back garden as often as possible so they can really let off steam. However the fencing must be extremely secure to keep these extra-large dogs in because if they find a weakness in the fence they will soon escape out and get into all sorts of trouble.

With this said Boerboel puppies should not be over exercised because their joints and bones are still growing and too much pressure on them could result in causing a dog a few problems later in their lives. As such they should not be allowed to jump up or off furniture nor should they be allowed to run up and down the stairs.

Feeding of the Boerboel

If you get a Boerboel puppy from a breeder they would give you a feeding schedule and it's important to stick to the same routine feeding the same puppy food to avoid any tummy upsets. You can change a puppy's diet but this needs to be done very gradually always making sure they don't develop any digestive upsets and if they do it's best to put them back on their original diet and to discuss things with the vet before attempting to change it again.

Older dogs are not known to be fussy or finicky eaters but this does not mean you can feed them a lower quality diet. It's best to feed a mature dog twice a day once in the morning and then again in the evening making sure it's good quality food that meets all their nutritional requirements. It's also important that dogs be given the right amount of exercise so they burn off any excess calories or they might gain too much weight which can lead to all sorts of health issues. Obesity can shorten a dog's life by several years so it's important to keep an eye on their waistline from the word go.

Because Boerboels are prone to suffer from bloat it is important that they be fed twice a day instead of giving them just one larger meal a day. It's also a good idea to invest in a stand to place their feed bowl which makes it easier for these large dogs to eat comfortably without having to stretch their necks down low to reach their food. Dogs should never be exercised just before or just after they have eaten either because this puts them more a risk of suffering from bloat which is a condition that should always be taken very seriously and as such veterinary attention should be sought straight away.

Feeding guide for a Boerboel puppy

Puppies need to be fed a highly nutritious good quality diet for them to develop and grow as they should. As a rough guide a Boerboel puppy can be fed the following amounts every day making sure their meals are evenly spread out throughout the day and it's best to feed them 3 or 4 times a day:

  • 2 months old - 439g to 487g depending on puppy's build
  • 3 months old - 580 g to 656g depending on puppy's build
  • 4 months old - 647g to 729g depending on puppy's build
  • 5 months old - 771g to 876g depending on puppy's build
  • 6 months old - 876g to 1002g depending on puppy's build
  • 7 months old - 892g to 1020g depending on puppy's build
  • 8 months old - 894g to 1025g depending on puppy's build
  • 9 months old - 878g to 1010g depending on puppy's build
  • 10 months old - 828g to 968g depending on puppy's build
  • 11 months old - 774g to 916g depending on puppy's build
  • 12 months old - 721g to 868g depending on puppy's build
  • 13 months old - 677g to 817g depending on puppy's build
  • 14 months old - 636g to 768g depending on puppy's build

Once a puppy is 24 months old they can be fed adult dog food.

Feeding guide for an adult Boerboel

Once fully mature an adult Boerboel must be fed a good quality diet to ensure their continued good health. As a rough guide an adult Boerboel can be fed the following amounts every day:

  • Dogs weighing 70 kg can be fed 568g to 751g depending on activity
  • Dogs weighing 80 kg can be fed 625g to 741g depending on activity
  • Dogs weighing 90 kg can be fed 645g to 846g depending on activity

Boerboel price

If you are looking to buy a Boerboel you may have to agree to go on a waiting list because they are quite hard to find. You should expect to pay anything from £800 to over £1200 for a well-bred puppy. The cost of insuring a male 3-year-old Boerboel in northern England would be £58.41 a month for basic cover but for a lifetime policy this would set you back £121.56 a month (quote as of December 2017). When insurance companies calculate a pet's premium they factor in several things which includes where you live in the UK and a dog's age and whether they have been neutered or spayed.

When it comes to food costs you need to buy the best quality food whether wet or dry to feed your dog throughout their lives making sure it suits the different stages of their lives. This would set you back between £50 - £60 a month. On top of this you would need to factor in veterinary costs if you want to share your home with a Boerboel and this includes their initial vaccinations their annual boosters the cost of neutering or spaying your dog when the time is right and their yearly health checks all of which quickly adds up to over £1600 a year.

As a rough guide the average cost to keep and care for a Boerboel would be between £110 to £190 a month depending on the level of insurance cover you opt to buy for your dog but this does not include the initial cost of buying a responsibly bred healthy Boerboel puppy.

Buying advice

When visiting and buying any puppy or dog there are many important things to consider and questions to ask of the breeder/seller. You can read our generic puppy/dog advice here which includes making sure you see the puppy with its mother and to verify that the dog has been wormed and microchipped.

Boerboels have become one of the more popular large breeds both in the UK and elsewhere in the world which means that well-bred puppies can often command a lot of money. As such with Boerboels there is specific advice questions and protocols to follow when buying a puppy which are as follows:

  • Beware of online scams and how to avoid them. You may see online and other adverts by scammers showing images of beautiful Boerboel puppies for sale at very low prices. However the sellers ask buyers for money up front before agreeing to deliver a puppy to a new home. Potential buyers should never buy a puppy unseen and should never pay a deposit or any other money online to a seller. You should always visit the pet at the sellers home to confirm they are genuine and make a note of their address.
  • As previously touched upon Boerboels are one of the more popular mastiff-type in the UK. As such there are many amateur breeders/people who breed from a dam far too often so they can make a quick profit without caring for the welfare of the puppies their dam or the breed in general. Although the breed is not KC registered breeders should follow the guidelines as set out by the Kennel Club rules which is that a dam should only produce 4 litters and she must be between a certain age to do so. Anyone wishing to buy a Boerboel puppy should think very carefully about who they purchase their puppy from and should always ask to see the relevant paperwork pertaining to a puppy's lineage their vaccinations and their microchipping
  • Prospective owners should be very careful when considering buying an imported Boerboel puppy after having done all the necessary research on the breeders and they only breed from even tempered health checked dogs
  • Prospective owners should be wary of fake or incorrect documentation that may be provided with a Boerboel puppy

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