

Lifespan14 - 18 years
WeightMale:5 - 10kgFemale:5 - 10kg
HeightMale:25 - 38cmFemale: 25 - 38cm
Breed groupHybrid
NicknamesCocker Spaniel x Poodle, Cockerpoo, Spoodle, Cockerdoodle


Cockapoos have lovely natures
They are highly intelligent and therefore easy to train
They have low to non-shedding coats
They are energetic and playful
They remain puppy-like well into their senior years
They are great around children of all ages which makes them wonderful family pets
Cockapoos come in all sorts of colours and sizes


They thrive on human company and therefore suffer from separation anxiety
They are high maintenance on the grooming front
Well-bred puppies are expensive to buy
Cockapoo puppies are boisterous and playtime can be rough
If not well socialised Cockapoos often turn into "barkers"
Excercise Needs
Easy To Train
Amount of Shedding
Grooming Needs
Good With Children
Health of Breed
Cost To Keep
Tolerates Being Alone
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Introduction of the Cockapoo

Cockapoos were developed by crossing Cocker Spaniels with Poodles and were first bred in the United States during the fifties. They are one of the oldest hybrid dog breeds or "designer" dogs around and since they first appeared on the scene Cockapoos have found a massive fan base not only in the UK but throughout the world too and for good reason. Cockapoos are loyal energetic affectionate and fun-loving dogs that make wonderful family pets and companions.

Cockapoos arrived on British shores around 10 or so years ago and as their popularity grew the term "designer dog" became less associated with them. Today there are F1 F1b F2 and more Cockapoos being bred and all can be registered with the Cockapoo Club of Great Britain although for the moment these charming dogs are not recognised by the Kennel Club (as of Febrary 2018).

History of the Cockapoo

As previously mentioned Cockapoos are one of the oldest "hybrid dog breeds" around having been developed in the United States back in the fifties. However it is not clear whether these charming dogs were created on purpose or whether it was by pure accident. Whatever their true origins the Cockapoo has become a much-loved dog that makes an excellent family pet and companion dog and one that fits in with many life styles. They were first introduced into the UK approximately 10 years ago and were an immediate hit with people all over the country thanks to their charming looks and kind loyal natures.

The first mating of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle produced an F1 Cockapoo which is still thought of as being the better and therefore more stable crossing of the two breeds because it boasts having the more consistent results. F1 Cockapoos tend to be a little taller than their parent breeds when they reach maturity and breeders believe that this results in the dogs having "Hybrid-Vigour". When F1 Cockapoos are bred things get a little more complicated and the same can be said of F2 and other crossings too.

Being "hybrids" as they are often referred to the Cockapoo is not a recognised breed with any of the international breed clubs which includes The Kennel Club here in the UK (July 2017). However many local breed clubs have been set up all over the world with an end goal being to make sure Cockapoos are bred responsibly so that puppies are healthier with less risk of them developing any of the congenital and hereditary health concerns that are known to sometimes affect their parent breeds namely Poodles and Cocker Spaniels.

With this in mind it's really important for potential owners to contact responsible breeders who routinely have all their stud dogs checked for any hereditary disorders which is the only way of reducing the risk of puppies developing any of the conditions. It is however worth noting that no matter how carefully bred a Cockapoo happens to be there is never any guarantee they won't develop a congenital or hereditary disorder during their lives. It does however reduce the chance of it happening.

It’s also essential that any inbreeding is avoided which in short means checking the lineage of stud dogs before mating them together which is more likely to happen with Cockapoos that are bred together further down the line.

Interesting facts about the breed

  • Cockapoos were first developed in the United States in the 1950s
  • They are one of the oldest "hybrid" dogs around
  • Today there are F1 F2 F3 F4 as well as F1b F2b and more Cockapoos around
  • F1 Cockapoos are considered the more stable crossings

Appearance of the Cockapoo

Height at the withers: Males 25 - 38 cm Females 25 - 38 cm

Average weight: Males 5.4 - 10.9 kg Females 5.4 - 10.9 kg

Because Cockapoos are a cross-breed they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes with some dogs leaning towards the Cocker Spaniel whereas other inherit more Poodle traits whether it’s their physical traits or their temperaments. Some dogs may have the curly coat of a Poodle and others could have much straighter and longer hair because they inherited more of a Spaniel's coat so it really does depend on the luck of the draw as to how a puppy Cockapoo turns out.

With this said they are small to medium sized dogs with most responsible breeders now using Miniature rather than Toy Poodles to cross with either American or English Cocker Spaniels to reduce the chances of puppies inheriting any of the many disorders that seem to affect the Toy Poodle. Although most dogs are small in stature this is not to say that some Cockapoos are larger than others because it really does depend on their parents as to what size they throw to.

As previously mentioned a first crossing of a Cocker Spaniel with a Poodle produces an F1 Cockapoo which is thought of as being the more stable crossing of the two breeds simply because the mating produces a more stable result in their offspring. F1 Cockapoos are often slightly taller than both their parent breeds. When two F1 Cockapoos are mated they produce F2 puppies and often this can produce "throwbacks" which are referred to a F2 Cockapoos having a "Grandad Effect". This is when puppies from the same litter can have very different looks with some throwing to a Poodle others looking more like a Cocker Spaniel and some being a mixture of the two. This "Grandad" trait is not terribly apparent during the first few weeks of a puppy's life but becomes more evident as a puppy grows and matures into an adult dog.

Cockapoos can take on very different looks when they are bred back to a Cocker Spaniel or a Poodle which results in their offspring being referred to as F1b F2b and so on depending on what generation their parent dogs happen to be. As such crossing an F2 Cockapoo with another F2 dog produces an F3 Cockapoo. The problem arises when further breeding is carried out which must be thoroughly researched to avoid any in-breeding taking place. This is when both parent dogs have a common ancestor in a five-generation lineage.

All variations of these charming dogs are always called Cockapoos but because F1 F2 F3 etc crossings take place the size of a dog their shape and appearance as well as their temperament and intelligence can vary tremendously from dog to dog. It is also worth noting that their shedding rate and whether a dog has a hypo-allergenic coat can also vary a lot bearing in mind that all Cockapoos shed dander which can also trigger an allergic reaction in people as can a dog's saliva.

The Cocker Spaniel in Cockapoos

How a Cockapoo turns out is very dependent on which type of Cocker Spaniel is used in a breeding programme namely the English Cocker Spaniel the English Working Cocker Spaniel or the American Cocker Spaniel because all three are quite different in looks as well as natures. The American Cocker is smaller than the English Cocker and they have domed heads together with deeper stops. Their ears are longer and their coats are heavier and longer too.

English Cockers tend to be the larger of the spaniels and they have more of a domed head deeper stops and nice long pendulous ears than their working Cocker counterparts. Their coats are dense wavy and thick. English Working Cockers however are more athletic and rangier in appearance with lighter coats and ears that are set higher on their heads. Their faces are that much squarer too.

The Poodle in Cockapoos

Poodles come in various sizes which range from very small ToyPoodles to large Standard Poodles. However the only two that are used to breed Cockapoos are the Toy and the Miniature Poodle. As such a "Toy" Cockapoo would boast having a Toy Poodle in their parentage and a Miniature Cockapoo would have a Miniature Poodle in their parentage.

As a rule of thumb Cockapoos with Toy Poodles as one of their parents can be a little lighter framed and smaller than those that have Miniature Poodles as a parent.

When it come to their coat Cockapoos can inherit many different coat types and textures. The length of a dog’s coat depends on their lineage and parent breeds too. They can be a variety of colours but the most commonly seen in these charming dogs tends to be as follows:

  • Red
  • Blonde and all shades of blonde
  • Chocolate and all shades of chocolate
  • Black with spots referred to as Tuxedo
  • Black and all shades of black
  • Tan beige or buff
  • Brown - can vary from light to dark
  • Sable - with tipping and shading in black
  • Cream
  • White
  • Silver
  • Brindle
  • Roan
  • Merle - blue brown shades can be mixed with cream or white
  • Beige with brown and grey markings


Cockapoos are bouncy when they move having a ton of energy to expend. They are free moving both in their front and hind quarters with dogs always holding themselves proudly and tails held high when on the move.

Temperament of the Cockapoo

Cockapoos are highly adaptable dogs and they are extremely affectionate and loyal to their families by nature. They are also highly intelligent having inherited this from both their parent breeds. Poodles are among the smartest dogs on the planet and Cockers boast being very clever too although both the Poodle and the Cocker can be a little too clever for their own good a trait that Cockapoos certainly know how to use to their advantage.

They are renowned for being happy fun-loving characters that are a pleasure to have around. Cockapoos thrive on human company which is fine if they live in a household where one person usually stays at home when everyone else is out. They are not the best choice for people who spend most of the time at work and who leave dogs to their own devices for long periods of time. If a Cockapoo is left alone and they are not given the correct amount of daily exercise and mental stimulation they quickly get bored and this can lead to all sorts of problems. A bored Cockapoo can develop unwanted behavioural issues and they can even suffer from separation anxiety which sees dogs being destructive around the home and barking incessantly when their owners are out.

Cockapoos love playing interactive games and are known to be fast on their feet and very agile. Much like their parent breeds a tired Cockapoo is a well-behaved obedient dog and the best way to tire one of these charming intelligent dogs out is to give them a ton of exercise that includes lots of interactive playtime. They enjoy all sorts of canine sports which includes activities like agility and flyball which they excel at.

Are they a good choice for first time owners?

Cockapoos are a very good choice for first time dog owners thanks to their sweet kind amenable and loyal natures. They are easily trained because Cockapoos are intelligent dogs and they love the one to one contact they are given during a training session. They are one of the most amenable dogs around and like nothing more than to please which is just one of their most endearing traits.

What about prey drive?

A well socialised Cockapoo will not develop a high prey drive but they might not be able to resist chasing a smaller animal they come across just for the fun of it. As such care should be taken when a Cockapoo meets any small animals when they are out on walks just to err on the safe side of things.

What about playfulness?

Cockapoos are renowned for being fun-loving and playful. Thanks to their intelligence they are quick to learn new things with the downside being they learn bad habits just as fast.

What about adaptability?

Cockapoos are highly adaptable and are just as happy living in an apartment in town as they are living in a home in the country providing they are given enough daily exercise and mental stimulation that is.

What about separation anxiety?

Cockapoos are extremely people-oriented and never like to be left on their own for too long. They can suffer from separation anxiety which is why young dogs need to be taught that being on their own is not something to stress about especially if their owners are out at work during the day. They are however better suited to households where one person typically stays at home when everyone else is out so they always have company around or in households with another dog or cat.

What about excessive barking?

Being so intelligent a trait Cockapoos inherit from both their parent breeds these charming dogs can be taught not to bark excessively or for no reason but this needs to be done when a Cockapoo is young and should be part of the limits and boundaries their owners set for them.

Do Cockapoos like water?

Most Cockapoos like being around water and are strong swimmers but care should always be taken when a puppy first starts showing signs of wanting to be in water. It also pays to be extra careful when walking a Cockapoo anywhere near more dangerous water courses just in case they decide to leap in.

Are Cockapoos good watchdogs?

Cockapoos are known to be good watchdogs and will quickly let their owners know when there are strangers about or when something they don't like is going on in their environment. However they can be taught not to bark too much which as previously mentioned must be done when a Cockapoo is still young and before it becomes a real problem.

Intelligence / Trainability of the Cockapoo

Cockapoos are known to be very smart with both their parent breeds being high on the list of intelligent dogs. They also love to please and as such they are highly trainable. In the right hands these charming dogs can learn new things extremely quickly and excel at many canine sports which as previously mentioned includes agility and flyball.

They are quite sensitive by nature and therefore do not answer well to any sort of harsh correction nor do Cockapoos respond well to heavy handed training methods. They do respond very well to positive reinforcement and are known to be quite "voice sensitive" which means they quickly pick up the different tones owners use when giving them certain commands. It’s important to offer a dog fewer high quality treats rather than give them lower value ones which could lead to a Cockapoo putting on too much weight early in their lives and which could seriously impact their health further down the line.

The key to successfully training a Cockapoo is to start their education from day one and to establish ground rules and boundaries so that young dogs understand what is expected of them. The first commands a Cockapoo puppy should be taught are as follows:

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Come
  • Leave
  • Wait
  • Quiet
  • Bed

Children and other

Cockapoos are known to be very good around children which is why they make such wonderful family pets and why they have been a popular choice with people both here in the UK and elsewhere in the world for so long. However any interaction between dogs and younger children should always be supervised by an adult to make sure playtime does not get too boisterous which could end up with someone getting hurt.

They are also known to be social dogs by nature especially if they have been well socialised from a young enough age which in short means Cockapoos generally get on well with other dogs and animals and this includes the family cat. Having said this a Cockapoo would think nothing of chasing a neighbour’s cat if they ever get the chance to. As with other dogs care should be taken when they are around smaller pets they don’t already know just to be on the safe side.

Health of the Cockapoo

The average life expectancy of a Cockapoo is between 14 and 18 years when properly cared for and fed an appropriate good quality diet to suit their ages.

Like many other hybrid dogs the Cockapoo is known to suffer from a few hereditary health issues which are frequently seen in both their parent breeds. The conditions that seem to affect Cockapoos the most include the following:

What about vaccinations?

Cockapoo puppies must have their first vaccination prior to being sold. After this they need to be vaccinated again following the guidelines below:

  • 10 -12 weeks old bearing in mind that a puppy would not have full protection straight away but would be fully protected 2 weeks after they have had their second vaccination

There is some debate as to whether boosters are necessary as such it’s best to discuss this with the vet before making a final decision. With this said a Cockapoo would need to have all their jabs up to date should they ever need to go into boarding kennels.

What about spaying and neutering?

Female Cockapoos can be spayed when they are 6 months old and not beforehand. Males can be safely neutered when they are 6 months old too.

What about obesity problems?

Cockapoos are not known to be "greedy" dogs but it's important not to overfeed them because carrying too much weight will seriously impact their overall health and wellbeing. Obese dogs have shorter lifespans and are more at risk of developing some serious health issues that can affect their heart function and it puts a lot more strain on their backs and joints which could lead to a dog suffering from arthritis when they reach their golden years.

What about allergies?

Some Cockapoos can suffer from skin allergies and it's important to identify the triggers as early as possible. Allergies are notoriously hard to clear up once they flare up and it takes time and patience to establish what sets them off. The most commonly seen allergies in Cockapoos are:

  • Atopy
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Food allergies

Recognising health issues in Cockapoos

Recognising when a Cockapoo may be developing some sort of health issue as early as possible is crucial because the later a condition is diagnosed and treated usually means a disorder is harder to clear up and the prognosis is never as good where certain health issues are concerned.

Participating in health schemes

Under the Cockapoo Club of Great Britain's health guide and regulations concerning the breed the following tests are either mandatory or recommended:

  • CCGB Mandatory DNA test required for prcc-PRA in American Cockers English Cockers English Working Cockers Toy Poodle and Miniature Poodle
  • Testing advised for Primary Glaucoma in American Cockers English Cockers English Working Cockers Toy Poodles and Miniature Poodles
  • Testing advised for Hip Dysplasia in American Cockers English Cockers English Working Cockers Toy Poodles and Miniature Poodles
  • CCGB Mandatory DNA test required for FN in English Cockers and English Working Cockers
  • CCGB Mandatory DNA test required for PFK in American Cockers
  • Testing advised for Retinal Dysplasia in American Cockers
  • Testing advised for von Willebrand's Disease in Miniature Poodles

What about breed specific breeding precautions?

Care should always be taken when it comes to breeding Cockapoos more especially when they are F4+ dogs. It is crucial for a dog's lineage to be closely examined to prevent any in-breeding with the risk being less in F1 and F2 Cockapoos than those further down the line.

Caring for the Cockapoo

As with any other breed Cockapoos need to be groomed on a regular basis to make sure their coats and skin are kept in top condition. They also need to be given regular daily exercise to ensure they remain fit and healthy. On top of this dogs need to be fed good quality food that meets all their nutritional needs throughout their lives.

Caring for a Cockapoo puppy

Cockapoo puppies are full of life and if they have been well enough socialised when they were still with their mothers and litter mates they are generally confident outgoing dogs. However for the first few days after arriving in a new home a Cockapoo puppy may seem a little reserved which is understandable because everything is so new to them and they have just left their mothers and their litter mates.

A reputable breeder would never allow a new owner to take a Cockapoo away from their mothers or litter mates until they are old enough to leave them. This is typically when a puppy is anything from 8 to 15 weeks old. The longer a puppy can remain with their mother the better although it should never be for too long either.

Making sure there is always going to be someone around when a puppy first arrives home is essential because it would not be fair if they found themselves alone in a strange environment. It takes a while for a puppy to settle in and it's best they have company through what can be a worrying and stressful time for a young dog.

Other things to bear in mind is that it is important to write down when a puppy would need worming again and to keep to the schedule. A puppy would need worming as follows:

  • Puppies should be wormed at 6 months old
  • They need to be wormed again when they are 8 months old
  • Puppies should be wormed when they are 10 months old
  • They need to be wormed when they are 12 months old

A puppy would have already had their first vaccination and been microchipped as well as wormed with all the details of when this was done being included in their paperwork. Their documentation should include a puppy's pedigree and a list of health issues the breed is known to suffer from. Their CCGB registration information if they have been registered with the Cockapoo Club of Great Britain should also be included in a puppy's paperwork.

Puppies play hard but they also need to nap a lot throughout the day so it's important to set up a quiet corner that's not too out of the way for their crates or dog beds. Like other puppies Cockapoos can sleep for up to 21 hours in any 24-hour period and it's important for them to "recharge" their batteries so they can develop and grow as they should.

Things you'll need for your new puppy

A lot of new dog owners invest in child gates to fit on doors and to limit the amount of space a Cockapoo puppy can roam in. Playpens are also a great investment because they keep puppies safe when owners are too busy to keep a close eye on their pets without having to restrict their movements. Other things needed for puppies include the following:

  • Water and food bowls that are not be too deep so puppy can easily get at their food and water. It is also best to invest in ceramic dishes rather than metal or plastic ones
  • Good quality chews for puppy to gnaw on which helps stop them chewing on shoes and other things around the home. A puppy would start teething at around 3 to 8 months of age which is when they really benefit from having high quality chews to gnaw on
  • A good selection of well-made robust toys
  • Dog shampoo and conditioner never use baby or people shampoo on a Cockapoo puppy which could end up triggering a nasty skin allergy
  • Dog toothpaste and tooth brush
  • A well-made dog harness and/or collar
  • A strong lead
  • A well-made dog bed that's not too small or too big and one that puppy would not chew and destroy
  • A good-sized dog crate that's not too small or too big
  • Baby blankets which are ideal for putting in a puppy's bed for them to sleep on

Keeping the noise down

Cockapoo puppies can sleep for up to 21 hours a day which they need to do so they build up their strength for the next bout of playtime and so they continue to grow and develop properly. They are very sensitive to loud noises which means keeping the volumes down on the television and other devices which could stress a puppy out and disturb their sleeping routine.

Keeping vet appointments

A Cockapoo puppy needs to have all their vaccinations at specific times so they are fully protected. It's essential to keep vet appointments not only for a puppy to be given their remaining jabs but also so the vet can check them over for any health issues that may be brewing.

What about older Cockapoos when they reach their golden years?

As dogs age and reach their golden years they tend to slow down which means they get less excited about going out for walks they can get a bit picky over their food and their vision as well as hearing are not as good as they once were. Taking care of an Older Cockapoo could mean reducing the amount of exercise a dog is given checking a diet suits their ages and scheduling a few more health checks with the vet than when a dog was younger.

Older dogs in general are more susceptible to developing health issues and the sooner a problem is noticed correctly diagnosed and treated the faster a dog would be made more comfortable. Another important factor to bear in mind. is that the earlier a disorder is treated the better the outcome tends to be.

Things to watch out for in an older Cockapoo includes the following:

  • Their coats often become coarser
  • A loss of muscle tone
  • Older Cockapoos can either become overweight or underweight
  • They have reduced strength and stamina
  • They have difficulty regulating their body temperature
  • They often develop arthritis
  • Immune systems do not work as efficiently as they once did which means older dogs are more susceptible to infections
  • They respond less to external stimuli due to impaired vision or hearing
  • They tend to be a little pickier about their food
  • They have a lower pain threshold
  • They are less tolerant of change
  • Often an older Cockapoo can feel disorientated

Grooming of the Cockapoo

Cockapoo's can have many different types of coat with some dogs having a more Poodle-like coat whereas others might boast having sleeker coats much like their Cocker Spaniel parent breed. They are considered low-shedding dogs especially if they boast having more of a Poodle coat but this does not mean they don't need to be regularly brushed because their hair tends to grow quite quickly. The only way to prevent tangles and matts from forming is to brush a Cockapoo on a regular basis especially if their coats are on the long side.

With this said no matter what type of coat a Cockapoo may have inherited they still need to be professionally groomed trimmed or clipped several times a year. This makes it that much easier to keep a dog's coat looking smart in between visits to a grooming parlour. It's also important to check a dog's ears on a regular basis and to clean them when necessary. If too much wax builds up in a dog's ears it can lead to a painful infection which can be hard to clear up. In short prevention is often easier than cure when it comes to ear problems.

Grooming tools needed for Cockapoos

Having the right sort of grooming tools to suit a Cockapoo’s coat makes keeping things tidy and in good condition that much easier. The tools needed for Cockapoos include the following:

  • A bristle-brush
  • Wire-pin brush
  • Slicker brush
  • Detangling brush
  • Fine toothed comb
  • Wide toothed comb
  • Pair of round ended scissors
  • Nail clippers
  • A grooming mat

Exercise of the Cockapoo

Cockapoos are energetic dogs and they are smart which in short means they need to be given the right amount of daily exercise and mental stimulation for them to be truly happy well-rounded and obedient dogs. They love being kept busy and enjoy nothing more than taking part in all sorts of canine sports which includes activities like agility obedience trials and flyball to name but three all of which they are known to excel at.

They need to be given anything from 40 to 60 minutes exercise a day. A shorter walk in the morning would be fine but a longer more interesting one in the afternoon is a must. These dogs also like to be able to roam around a back garden as often as possible so they can really let off steam. However the fencing must be extremely secure to keep these active and inquisitive dogs in because if they find a weakness in the fence they will soon escape out and get into all sorts of trouble.

With this said Cockapoo puppies should not be over exercised because their joints and bones are still growing and too much pressure on them could result in causing a dog a few problems later in their lives. They should not be allowed to jump up or off furniture nor should they be allowed to run up and down the stairs for this very reason.

Feeding of the Cockapoo

Adult Cockers are not known to be fussy or finicky eaters but this does not mean you can feed them a lower quality diet. It's best to feed a mature dog twice a day once in the morning and then again in the evening making sure it's good quality food that meets all their nutritional requirements. It's also important that dogs be given the right amount of exercise so they burn off any excess calories or they might gain too much weight which can lead to all sorts of health issues. Obesity can shorten a dog's life by several years so it's important to keep an eye on their waistline from the word go.

Feeding guide for adult Cockapoos

Adult Cockapoos need to be fed a high protein diet because they are active energetic dogs and therefore they need the right levels of nutrients vitamins and minerals in their food. As a rough guide a mature Cockapoo should be fed the following amount of food every day being careful not to give a dog too many food treats on top of their normal diet:

  • 130 g to 180 g a day depending on a dog’s build

Feeding guide for Cockapoo puppies

Reputable breeders would always make sure they give potential owners information on what they have been feeding their puppies and it's best to stick to the same routine because as previously mentioned it helps avoid any digestive upsets. The feeding schedule should include the following information:

  • The type of food they have been feeding the puppy and how many times they are fed every day. It is very important to stick the schedule for the first week or so but a puppy's diet can be changed once they are settled into their new homes providing it is done gradually and carefully over a period of 4 weeks making sure that puppy does not experience any digestive upset and if they do to change back to their original diet before discussing things with the breeder or the vet.

Below is a rough feeding guide of how much a Cockapoo puppy needs to be fed daily during the first months of their lives:

  • 2 months old - 150 g to 208 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 3 months old - 176 g to 246 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 4 months old - 187 g to 264 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 6 months old - 189 g to 270 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 7 months old - 171 g to 250 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 8 months old - 153 g to 233 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 10 months old - 136 g to 194 g depending on a puppy's build
  • 11 months old - 134 g to 192 g depending on a puppy's build

Once a Cockapoo puppy is 13 months old they can be fed adult food in the portions which are covered in the feeding section below. Puppies should be fed 3 or 4 times a day until they are anything from 14 to 18 months old after which time they can be fed twice a day.

Cockapoo price

If you are looking to buy a Cockapoo you would need to pay anything from £600 to over £1000 for a well-bred puppy.

The cost of insuring a male 3-year-old Cockapoo in northern England would be £19.36a month for basic cover but for a lifetime policy this would set you back £37.22a month (quote as of August 2017). When insurance companies calculate a pet's premium they factor in several things which includes where you live in the UK and a dog's age and whether they have been neutered or spayed.

When it comes to food costs you need to buy the best quality food whether wet or dry to feed your dog throughout their lives making sure it suits the different stages of their lives. This would set you back between £30 - £40 a month. On top of this you would need to factor in veterinary costs if you want to share your home with a Cockapoo and this includes their initial vaccinations their annual boosters the cost of neutering or spaying your dog when the time is right and their yearly health checks all of which quickly adds up to over £900 a year.

As a rough guide the average cost to keep and care for a Cockapoo would be between £60 to £90 a month depending on the level of insurance cover you opt to buy for your dog but this does not include the initial cost of buying a well-bred puppy.

Buying advice

When visiting and buying any puppy or dog there are many important things to consider and questions to ask of the breeder/seller. You can read our generic puppy/dog advice here which includes making sure you see the puppy with its mother and litter mates and to verify that the puppy has been wormed and microchipped.

Cockapoos are extremely popular both in the UK and elsewhere in the world which means that well-bred dogs are expensive. As such with Cockapoos there is specific advice questions and protocols to follow when buying a puppy which are as follows:

  • Beware of online scams and how to avoid them. You may see online and other adverts by scammers showing images of beautiful Cockapoopuppies for sale at very low prices. However the sellers ask buyers for money up front before agreeing to deliver a puppy to a new home. Potential buyers should never buy a Cockapoo puppy unseen and should never pay a deposit or any other money online to a seller. You should always visit the pet at the sellers home to confirm they are genuine and make a note of their address.
  • Cockapoos as previously touched upon are among the most popular breeds in the UK and therefore puppies can command a lot of money. As such there are many amateur breeders/people who breed them without checking on the parent breed's lineage which can result in inbreeding. On top of this many Cockapoos are bred far too often so the sellers can make a quick profit without caring for the welfare of the puppies their dam or the welfare of Cockapoos in general. Although Cockapoos are not recognised by the Kennel Club the same protocols apply as to how often a dam should be allowed to produce a litter which should be no more than four and the dam must be the right age to be put in pup too. As such potential buyers should think very carefully before buying a Cockapoo making sure a puppy has all the right paperwork which must include their lineage vaccination and microchipping dates as well as when they were first wormed and the product that was used.

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eliza j.
Cockapoo dogs for sale in Dundee - Advert 2
2 hours

Beautiful cockapoos girls 2 available

CockapooAge: 4 weeks3 female
Our beautiful home breed cockapoo Tasha gave birth to 5 puppies, both mum and pups are doing well, eating, and sleeping a lot. The vetting process will be in place before anyone will consider as our
Cockapoo dogs for sale in Markfield - Advert 3
2 hours

F1b toy cockapoo 1 girl left ready now

CockapooAge: 8 weeks2 male / 2 female
My beautiful girl sandy has just had a lovely litter of four puppies she has 2 boys and 2 girls they are all fox red in colour with a little white on the one of them. Sandy has a lovely temperament s
SHARON M.ID verified