If dogs are introduced to horses early in their lives, they soon learn to respect them. However, many dogs have never even seen a horse which means when they first encounter one they can get quite nervous and scared which often results in them either running away or chasing the horses which is a real no-no!
You may find that when out on a walk in the countryside you have to cross a field where horses are grazing. In this situation you must put your dog on a lead and cross the field as quickly and as calmly as you can. Most horses will look up to see what's going on but soon start grazing again because they've seen it all before!
However, younger horses might be a little more inquisitive and wander over to meet you and your dog which can be quite worrying for you both! The one thing you must never do is start to run because this will encourage horses to chase after you which could end up in a disaster.
If your dog is off their lead when they cross a field with horses in it, you may find they will chase horses which is never something a responsible dog owner would ever encourage. But why do some dogs insist on chasing horses? The reasons for this behaviour are listed below:
If you know you are going to be regularly walking your dog in fields or places where you are bound to meet up with horses, you should do the following which will help avoid finding yourself in a chase situation:
It's also important to see things from the horse's point of view because if they see a dog running towards them, the chances are they are going to be scared by the situation and being flight animals, the majority of horses will choose to run away. This makes dogs chase them even harder which could end up in an accident with horses getting injured or they could turn on your dog and injure them!
As previously mentioned horses will run away from a scary situation because they are flight animals much preferring to put a distance between something they find scary than confronting it. However, other reasons why a horse will take flight include the following:
When a horse bolts it can be very scary for the rider and it puts them in an extremely dangerous situation because effectively, they have no control over their mounts. This in turn puts others who may in their path in danger too which could even end up causing a car accident!
If your dog gets too excited when they are around horses, you will have to make sure they are always on their leads. The next step is to get your pooch used to being around these larger animals so they learn to take things in their stride with confidence. Never let your dog run through a field off their leads in fields where horses are grazing which is a real no-no. Keep them on their lead and walk across the field quickly but calmly to avoid any incidents which could ruin an outing with your four-legged friend.